Irregular Monthly amount for investment


Registered User
Hi All

I was thinking of buying ETFs every month with some spare cash i have leftover but from reading the advice on here the disposal tax seems to be nuts and is to be avoided on a monthly buying basis anyway

What would people recommend for a different amount each money ? If i went to zurich or someone else then i presume it would have to be a fixed monthly amount ? Whats best to do in this situation ? Save up and then buy the ETF once a year ?
Well, I think you should pay off your mortgage first…

And then max your pension contribution for 2022…

If you still want more equity exposure, then keep a high (even 100%) equity allocation in your pension fund.

Keep it simple.
Well, I think you should pay off your mortgage first…

And then max your pension contribution for 2022…

If you still want more equity exposure, then keep a high (even 100%) equity allocation in your pension fund.

Keep it simple.
ok thanks and if there was still some left over ?
A life company will only take the same amount by direct debit. If you are making an irregular amount, you have to do it yourself. Saving it up and making one payment a year certainly cuts down on the admin.

Steven (
Some of the online accounts have a regular investor option (Trade Republic is one) - if you're aiming for 500 month maybe just wait until you've around 2k - then start it off.

Use that initial 2k as a buffer to smoothen your irregular monthly amount.

Then just periodically check in to make sure you've always got a couple months worth of contributions ready to invest. With these online accounts it should be trivial to stop or adjust the amount. I also assume/hope if there isn't money there to make a regular investment there's no cost to the customer.

While it's a messy for tax if you pick ETFs- it's better to have complicated tax than nothing invested.

Yearly sounds fine but because the money is more significant people can find it harder to pull the trigger, plus you're missing out the advantages or regular investing.
Some of the online accounts have a regular investor option (Trade Republic is one) - if you're aiming for 500 month maybe just wait until you've around 2k - then start it off.

Use that initial 2k as a buffer to smoothen your irregular monthly amount.

Then just periodically check in to make sure you've always got a couple months worth of contributions ready to invest. With these online accounts it should be trivial to stop or adjust the amount. I also assume/hope if there isn't money there to make a regular investment there's no cost to the customer.

While it's a messy for tax if you pick ETFs- it's better to have complicated tax than nothing invested.

Yearly sounds fine but because the money is more significant people can find it harder to pull the trigger, plus you're missing out the advantages or regular investing.
What about using a zurich fund? I could regularly do 500 a month and they would do the tax. I know there are fees but might suit me better than ETF
Building up a buffer will help to smoothen out irregular payments - to Zurich or anyone.