CRH delisting - effect on shares held?


Registered User
I have read that CRH are planning to delist from the ISEQ and list in the US instead. What would happen to my 'Irish' CRH shares? Would I have to sell and rebuy? Or would they become US shares 'automatically' - and if so, what effect would this have on the tax treatment? If they stay as Irish shares then how could I sell them in the future? A few questions there but I hope they are clear. Thanks
There is no such thing as "Irish" shares or "US" shares. All ordinary shares are equal.

There may well be tax implications as the shares may now be considered when calculating estate taxes in the USA

Presuming that your shares are held electronically by a brokerage company, then they are the best place to get information about how to sell them and the charges incurred
I assumed that CRH would continue to be tax resident in Ireland.

Correct. The change in listing structure will have no impact on CRH plc, which will remain headquartered, incorporated and tax-resident in Ireland. See page 7 here:

The situs of CRH shares will still be Ireland:

CRH is releasing a trading update on April 26th. Best to pause the speculation and contacting brokers until that time.

Questions (regarding the shares) at that point should be directed to CRH investor relations:

Once we know more on April 26th, the tax treatment can be determined then.