Migrants more likely to have third-level qualifications - ESRI


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From the RTE today.

Migrants in Ireland and Northern Ireland are more likely to have third-level qualifications than the native-born population.

That's according to research conducted by the Economic Social Research Institute which also shows that the skills of migrants are generally higher in Ireland than in Northern Ireland.

The study conducted under the joint research programme between the Department of Taoiseach's Shared Island Unit and the ESRI examined migrant integration on the island of Ireland.

It looked at how migrants were faring in employment, education, as well as attitudes towards migration in Ireland and Northern Ireland and migrants’ experiences of cross-border travel since Brexit.

Challenges appeared greater for migrants in Northern Ireland where the report authors found negative attitudes around migration and the achievement of the children of migrants in schools.

"Differences in attitudes appear to be mostly explained by people in Ireland being more likely to have migrants in their social networks, being more optimistic about the future, and more likely to believe their voice is heard in politics than people in Northern Ireland," according to co-author Frances McGinnity.

The research also revealed that a significant proportion of those born outside of the island are citizens of their new places of residence.

The share of those born outside of the island that are citizens is greater in Ireland (35%), compared to Northern Ireland, where 17% of those born outside the UK are British citizens.

The study found that cross-border travel can be a fraught experience for some migrants and Brexit has exacerbated this issue.

At a consultation event, stakeholders said there was an increased likelihood in ethnic minority migrants being checked while travelling across the border than migrants who look the same as most people living on the island.

The consultation with migrant rights organisations also highlighted how some migrants may be effectively excluded from participation in cross-border activities such as sports and education-related events.

It says "a reported lack of clarity around rights" has led to considerable feelings of fear and uncertainty among migrant groups, which it says in turn, can negatively impact migrants' integration on the island.

In Ireland, there was little difference in either academic achievement scores or well-being at age 15 between migrant-origin children and their Irish-origin peers.

In Northern Ireland, first generation migrant-origin children have considerably lower achievement scores in English reading and mathematics than their Northern Irish/UK origin peers.

Second generation migrant-origin children in Northern Ireland have similar achievement scores but have lower well-being than young people of Northern Irish/UK origin.

When it comes to employment, the study found that migrants in both jurisdictions have high employment rates, particularly EU migrants.

East Europeans in both jurisdictions are much less likely to be in professional managerial jobs.
My good news takeaway from thie:

"In Ireland, there was little difference in either academic achievement scores or well-being at age 15 between migrant-origin children and their Irish-origin peers."
If I'm looking at the correct study it seems to have followed a Cohort born in 2008, reviewed in 2011, 2013 & again in 2017.

"The aim of this study is to consider the integration of the second generation by
using a high-quality representative cohort study, Growing Up in Ireland (GUI),
which allows us to compare migrant-origin children with Irish-origin children and
to follow all children (and their families) to track their development from infancy
to nine years of age.
The first wave of the GUI study was carried out in 2008, when the children were
nine months old, following a rapid increase in immigration to Ireland. The second
wave was undertaken in 2011, when the children were aged three and the third
wave in 2013 when they were aged five. The children were also surveyed in 2017,
at age nine. The report considers: the region of origin of parents; the parents’
linguistic background and their ethnicity; and how the latter are associated with
child English language development and self-concept.
This report seeks to answer the following key questions:
• Are differences in English language development evident in early childhood?
• Can differences between second-generation migrant-origin and native Irish
children can be explained by differences in socio-economic background?
• Are differences between second-generation migrant-origin groups and
children with Irish-born parents stable over time or do they increase or
decrease as the child develops?
The study takes a longitudinal approach, exploring English language outcomes of
second-generation migrant-origin children at three, five and nine years of age.
Experiences of social integration (participation in sport and cultural activities) and
self-concept are examined at age nine, based on the children’s own reports. Under

2|Children of migrants in Ireland
this approach, the report combines a focus on English language outcomes as well
as the wellbeing and self-concept of migrant children.
This chapter provides context for the report in terms of: migration flows to Ireland
and how we define second-generation migrant-origin children; and policy
concerning the care and education of children at preschool and primary school
level, both in general and with specific regard to the needs of migrant-origin

Ok, this is the actual report RTE are referring to. Not the one I linked above.
