Pro rata contributory state pension


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I have 265 ‘A rate’ contributions for a contributory state pension from a private employment and I will have 35 years D rate contributions from a pre 1995 civil service which I took up after the private sector employment. I plan to retire at 60. Will I be eligible for 5/35 x 253 = 36 x 4 - 144 p mth at aged 66 ? If I take up employment after retiring and pay A rate how many years extra would I have to work to get the full state pension of 253 x 4 p mth? Also are you entitled to claim job seekers allowance from aged 60 until aged 66 if you have some contributons and are looking for work or do you have to have some A rate contributions in the year before applying ?
Will I be eligible for 5/35 x 253 = 36 x 4 - 144 p mth at aged 66
AFAIK, it would be 5/40 * 253.3 = 31.66 p/w.

If I take up employment after retiring and pay A rate how many years extra would I have to work to get the full state pension of 253 x 4 p mth?

Again, from reading the guidelines, if you acquire (say) a further 260 Class A contributions the calculation would be 10/45 * 253.3 = 56.29 for a pro-rata state pension. But you may qualify for a 10/40 state pension (63.25) under the total contributions approach - I'm not sure about this. In any event, you will not be able to qualify for a full state pension.

Also are you entitled to claim job seekers allowance from aged 60 until aged 66 if you have some contributons and are looking for work or do you have to have some A rate contributions in the year before applying

You probably mean Jobseekers Benefit (Jobseekers Allowance is means tested).
You seem to have a sufficient number of Class A contributions to qualify for JB but you also have to have sufficient qualifying contributions (Class D don't count) in the relevant tax year:
  • 39 weeks of A, H or P PRSI paid or credited in the relevant tax year (a minimum of 13 weeks must be paid contributions*)

26 weeks of A, H or P PRSI paid in the relevant tax year and 26 weeks of PRSI paid in the tax year immediately before the relevant tax year.

*If you do not have 13 paid contributions in the relevant tax year, you must have paid 13 contributions in any of the following years:

  • The 2 tax years before the relevant tax year
  • The last complete tax year
  • The current tax year.

The relevant tax year is the second-last complete tax year before the year in which your claim is made. So, for claims made in 2022, the relevant tax year is 2020.
Thanks for that information
Just to note - even though you may not qualify for JB at 60 you may be able to sign for credits. As you are finishing on Class D any credits would be at Class D and not helpful for State Pension purposes. However, if you were able to get even brief employment with Class A insurance, any subsequent credits you sign for would be Class A. You still have to meet the other conditions:
  • Are unemployed
  • Available and capable of work
  • Genuinely seeking work
  • Have paid or credited PRSI contributions in either of the last two tax years.
Provided Class A is paid and recorded on your record, a couple of weeks would count.
Also worth noting is that if you get a job that's Class A - even for a week- you can also apply for Change of Status Credits, which can add a year and a bit to your record (for free).
Also worth noting is that if you get a job that's Class A - even for a week- you can also apply for Change of Status Credits, which can add a year and a bit to your record (for free).
Conan can I ask if the change of credits only applies if you take up a job Immediately? Could you get if last d stamp was jan 2018 then out of country and next stamp is a in Nov 2019?
Conan can I ask if the change of credits only applies if you take up a job Immediately? Could you get if last d stamp was jan 2018 then out of country and next stamp is a in Nov 2019?
You could apply and see what happens.
You only need 1 day of employment (provided that you earn at least 38 euro) at class A to sign on for class A credits.
When to sign on all your D class contributions for the year you sign on and the previous years D class contributions will change to A class credits.
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