Brexit impact on Irish pension


New Member
Hi All

I worked in Ireland from 1987 to end Jan 2016. I have worked in UK since then.

In December 2020 I applied to make voluntary PRSI contributions as I believed Brexit meant my contributions in UK would not contribute towards my Irish state pension eligibility. My intention is to retire in a EU country in the near future and want to ensure I have full EU state pension.

I received a rejection from Dept of Social Protection in Jan 2021 saying “you are currently covered by social insurance in another EU Member State/country with EU bilateral agreement”

However I am now reading contradictory information on this. Has anyone any experience/understanding of the real situation ?
I don’t think Brexit has any impact on benefits paid by Social Welfare. Ireland has a number of BiLateral Social Security Agreements with a range of different countries (EU, OECD U.K. etc) which effectively allow for Social Insurance contributions to be amalgamated. Brexit has no impact on the agreement with the U.K.
There are a number of existing threads dealing with UK National Insurance contributions, Irish PRSI contributions and cross UK/RoI pension implications that might be of interest to you. It's obviously a very common situation for residents of this country to find themselves in having worked in both jurisdictions at different times.
I believed Brexit meant my contributions in UK would not contribute towards my Irish state pension eligibility.
This is not the case.
UK and combining insurance

On 31 January 2020, the UK exited the EU - this was often referred to as Brexit. The Convention on Social Security between Ireland and the United Kingdom (pdf) maintains the recognition of, and access to, social insurance entitlements in both jurisdictions. This means that the rights of Irish citizens living in Ireland to benefit from social insurance contributions made when working in the UK are protected and vice versa.
I received a rejection from Dept of Social Protection in Jan 2021 saying “you are currently covered by social insurance in another EU Member State/country with EU bilateral agreement”
This is correct. If you are paying social insurance in the EU or the UK you are not eligible to make voluntary contributions in Ireland.

Did you work in the UK prior to 1987? Even if not it may be possible to make voluntary contributions in the UK going back as far as 2006. The best of both worlds is a partial Irish state contributory pension from 29 years of Irish contributions and a full UK state pension from a mix of paid and voluntary contributions.

Read this guide get in touch with HMRC to see if you are eligible to make voluntary Class 2 or Class 3 contributions. There are plenty of posters on AAM who are in receipt of both UK and Irish pensions based work history and voluntary NI contributions in the UK, in some cases both pensions in full. I am on track for this myself.

Post on this thread if you need more advice.