Revolut - Mysterious Profile Photo

A one hour wait time for live chat?
That is not good service.

I remember having to use it and I waited a long time.
Then the initial contact was asking me for information they already had.
Then another long wait.

An hour's wait for a free service is quite good. You don't have to sit and wait for the reply, you can go about your business and check back after the hour has past.
Beggars can't be choosers!
An hour's wait for a free service is quite good. You don't have to sit and wait for the reply, you can go about your business and check back after the hour has past.
Beggars can't be choosers!

Not everything is free on Revolut, so you are incorrect to describe it as a free service - some people pay a monthly sub, others help Revolut generate fees and commissions by using their cards, or pay a small fee when buying equities etc.

The point about the wait is that being expected to wait an hour, for someone to begin to engage with you, when there's a potential theft of your personal data, or risk of theft of your money/investments, is in No Way satisfactory service.

... We're not taking about someone wanting to return a pair of slippers that they bought online, for example!
Now they've another issue....

Perhaps they only have one person covering customer support, and that person has gone on leave for a few days? :rolleyes::(


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If he’s an improvement, is there an option to leave him in situ?

Why not send a suggestion to Revolut, asking if they can give you the option to "swipe right" ? ;) :D ;) :D

... Actually, on second thoughts, please don't. They've taken to sending me enough rubbish in recent months, without them trying to earn commission via some sort of dating service, next :(
Having had a moan about Revolut, I'm now sitting here thinking about how I think I'd like to pay €80 for the gold card that they are flogging. :redface:
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