Can you do multiple moves ending in Avant?


Registered User
Apologies if this has been asked already, I cant find an answer in the forum.

can you do a multiple switch and finish with Avant.
For example if I get approval from PTSB, EBS & Avant, can i simply draw down with PTSB & EBS on Monday, Tuesday and then finally draw down with Avant on Wednesday to finish.

I've read elsewere that you must be with your current lender for 12 months before switching to Avant
I've read elsewere that you must be with your current lender for 12 months before switching to Avant
This could imply TWO years?

1. Check your eligibility
When switching your mortgage to Avant Money you will
need to meet these criteria;
• The mortgage must be for your family home on a
property located in the Republic of Ireland.
• Your mortgage repayments must be fully up to date
over the last 24 months.
The minimum period that you must be drawn with your existing provider is 12 months before a new lender will accept a switcher case.
KBC usually has no issue taking on switcher cases without any time limit requirement - it is still lending.

Good luck!
Why would you switch to KBC now and get stuck with Bank of Ireland rates and have to switch again?

The purpose of switching is to get a lower rate, not a higher rate.

thanks for the replies, I feel the best bet is to just switch to Avant and not do the triple switch to try and exploit the loopholes as Avants rules arent clear to allow to finish with them