Net Relevant Earnings


Registered User

I am aware of the % of earnings tax relief based on age and also the maximum salary ceiling of €115,000.

What I am unsure of is what constitutes as "Net Relevant Earnings"? Is it just the base salary that I earn or can I include additional income into this (shift premiums, nixers, rental income, etc)?

Pension is a defined contribution company plan.

Net relevant earnings refers to self employed income.

If you are salaried, it is all of your Schedule E income. Rental income doesn't count and neither does nixers unless you are declaring it for tax...but if you are, that would be self employed income and would not count as part of your Schedule E income.
Net relevant earnings refers to self employed income.

If you are salaried, it is all of your Schedule E income. Rental income doesn't count and neither does nixers unless you are declaring it for tax...but if you are, that would be self employed income and would not count as part of your Schedule E income.
thank you

shift premiums and bonus from my employer would count so
What I am unsure of is what constitutes as "Net Relevant Earnings"? Is it just the base salary that I earn or can I include additional income into this (shift premiums, nixers, rental income, etc)?

Rental income is unearned income, so cannot be included. Could you elaborate on 'nixers' i.e. declared income or not?