Pay off mortgage or maximise AVC’s


Registered User
We have 100000 from the sale of an investment property we were planning to use this money to buy another investment property which our children could potentially use in 9 years time. We are now wondering would we be better off paying our mortgage we currently owe 100000 paying 3% interest and there is 8 years left or maximising our avc contributions?
Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
Hi fiona

You should complete this

to get some fuller suggestions.

As a general rule, you should clear your mortgage before investing. By doing so, you get a 3% , risk-free and tax-free and hassle-free return on your money.

Then you have to decide if clearing your mortgage takes priority over contributing to a pension fund. But this depends on the overall picture so you need to provide the extra information.

It might be worth reading this thread for some general background.
