Are Pension costs included in the budget allocation for State bodies?


Registered User
I was looking at the expenditure for the NYPD and it looks like they spend nearly twice as much per employee as we do but it also looks like their pension costs are included in their budget but from what I can see the pension costs of retired gardai is not included in our published estimates.
Can anyone confirm?
For the public service (civil service, HSE, AGS, teachers, etc) there is a separate 'Vote' (budget line) for pensions. A teacher's pay is from the Department of Education Vote but her pension is paid from a separate Vote with all the other public servants' pensions.

It's different for semi-state bodies, not sure how it works there.
For the public service (civil service, HSE, AGS, teachers, etc) there is a separate 'Vote' (budget line) for pensions. A teacher's pay is from the Department of Education Vote but her pension is paid from a separate Vote with all the other public servants' pensions.

It's different for semi-state bodies, not sure how it works there.
Okay, so is it correct to say that when I look at page 82 of the the cost of Garda pensions in not included in that figure?
I looked here. Table 5A.

I was wrong. It seems Votes pay their own pension (Education and AGS for example) while for others they are aggregated into Vote 12 "Superannuation and Retired Allowances".

Total public service pensions is just under €3bn.
I looked here. Table 5A.

I was wrong. It seems Votes pay their own pension (Education and AGS for example) while for others they are aggregated into Vote 12 "Superannuation and Retired Allowances".

Total public service pensions is just under €3bn.
Does that mean that pension costs are included in the €1.67 billion Garda budget?

Edit: from this "The Garda Síochána gross expenditure was €1.7 billion in 2017, which was comprised of 84 % in pay and pensions related expenditure, 5% in capital and the remainder of 11% in non-pay current expenditure." Therefore pensions are included in the budget and the NYPD really does get that much more money per person. Their budget is $6 billion.
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Does that mean that pension costs are included in the €1.67 billion Garda budget?


If you look at Table 5A in the link above you will see Garda Pensions are just over €300m.

I hope you are appreciating me taking the time to answer an obscure question :)