Tracking down scrip dividend reference prices

rob oyle

Registered User
Query for anyone that tracks their equity investments... as someone that opts into scrip shares when available, I have to hunt around or ask my broker each time what price the shares were bought at. Does anyone know if there is an online resource where this information is readily available? Yes you can take the dividend per share {multipled by} number of shares held {divided by} the number of shares purchased but this is only an approximation of the actual purchase price.
check website of the company??
The scrip share price is often not quoted by the companies, since it is set after the dividend timetable and many IR sections don't seem to add it in later. I remember one time that Shell used to do this but they were the exception.
Plus I am hoping that someone has found a central location with these details - I know and have other details that are helpful but not this part.
Have you got an example of where it's not quoted on company website?
Any company that has a SCRIP dividend programme should be publishing this detail.
From my time as a taxation junior, there are published books of these which cover each company's dividend history. There are specialised and I cannot recall the name right now but these details are there to be found. Why not check which Stock Exchange website your company is listed on...
Have you got an example of where it's not quoted on company website?
Any company that has a SCRIP dividend programme should be publishing this detail.
As a starter - Legal & General paid a dividend last week and there's no mention of the scrip price (that I can see). Barclay's the week before and the same story.
Ah, it's all available. They have to publish the reference price. Take Barclays, all the info is on their website:

Just expand the "Barclays PLC scrip dividend programme" tab.

It's also announced via RNS feeds, here's the Barclays one again as example

There are lots of UK websites that collate this info, but unless you pay a subscription you have to search yourself.