Any suggestions for a better layout of the forums?

Brendan Burgess

I have tidied up the layout of the forums - deleting old ones like Water Charges which haven't been used for a long time.

I merged two separate forums into a Technology forum, so now we have


Any other ideas on the layout of the forums?

Could you give Snowyb a sub-folio in the Healthcare forum? His/Her expertise which is generously shared with AAM members can be of great benefit to all.
If it's not broken don't fix it. The layout on this forum is excellent. Look at other fora just to see what bad layout means.

However, if you wish to improve the forum please stop deleting my posts or sack the moderator ;).
Could you give Snowyb a sub-folio in the Healthcare forum?

Hi Eithne

An interesting idea. But there are a few problems.
  • The idea of askaboutmoney is that it is a discussion forum. Anyone is free to offer an opinion.
  • I think it would put a lot of expectation and unfair pressure on snowyb. As with any other contributor, he is free to answer any question or not as he sees fit. I don't like it when someone posts a question and directs it at me.
  • In any event, the forum is already a bit like you propose.
How about a "Brexit" sub-forum under "Economic Issues"?

Hi mathepac

Not sure if it will be busy enough to justify a separate forum, but I have set it up anyway to see.

I have moved threads into it from other forums, but I feel that they would have been more appropriate in their initial forums e.g. Money Makeover.

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How about a money diary section with the makeovers

Can you be a bit more specific?

I asked this question a few months ago and it has been a busy thread.

Anyone want to write a money diary?

Would it really justify a separate forum?

Would you start a new thread in the MoneyMakeover section setting out your diary? Then others may follow suit. Depending on the response, we can either change the name of the forum to MoneyMakeover and MoneyDiary or set up a completely separate forum.

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Would you start a new thread in the MoneyMakeover section setting out your diary? Then others may follow suit. Depending on the response, we can either change the name of the forum to MoneyMakeover and MoneyDiary or set up a completely separate forum.


I’d have it in the same section - I think the topics are linked. I would include a template that could be used for diaries, like the makeover template that people fill in.
Hi Dee

That is certainly the easiest way to go.

I am not familiar with them. Would you design the template please?

Don't worry about formatting. I can do that after you set out the content.

Price Watch area? Giving details of average oil prices, best deals online, save money with multi-buys etc.

Every January I say that I'll keep a spending diary to stop frivolous spending but I never do. Must try again this year.

A forum for 'Pre-Retirement Planning' and it would be great if tips were given by those retired or recently retired.

I plan to retire within the next 8 years and I'd love to be able to get more proactive with my preparation.

What financial issues arise? and so on.
A forum for 'Pre-Retirement Planning' and it would be great if tips were given by those retired or recently retired.

I don't think that it would justify a forum?

How about a Key Post on the topic first of all.

Again, we could extend the Pensions forum to "Pensions and pre-retirement planning"

.... Supermarket Shopping ... And even at that, it's not very busy. We can rename it and broaden it easily enough?

I think Supermarket Shopping is too fluid. I'd be talking about having threads dealing with annual/monthly type deals for the regular items we subscribe to ... electricity, tv, phone, etc. I know people look for help with these areas with specific queries but I'm talking about more general comparisons. A great idea for tv would have a sticky post detailing how to set up freeview/saorview as cheaply as possible. A techie might update this annually. Money saved by not subscribing to SKY, Virgin etc. would be in the spirit of AAM.

Same with electricity... tips to cut down on usage... updating bulbs, getting a usage monitor to check where the largest consumption is etc.

All would be the save on the bottom line. Something similar to what CiaranT does for Best Buys.

Again, we could extend the Pensions forum to "Pensions and pre-retirement planning"

Re. Pre-Retirement, I'm thinking of a discussion forum where those who are retire share their success/failure stories and advise on pitfalls (both financial and otherwise)

Pensions are well covered. Dealing with budgeting, day to day spending as a retiree would be welcome. Also, discussion on topics such as keeping entertained (within budget), part-time work (availability, does it pay financially) etc.
Don't copy the boards layout.

All the buttons you use most often there are now tiny.
Also don't copy the explosion of sub forums there.
The low traffic to sub forums killed off many of them in my option.
Navigation is now so long winded a lot of people stopped using certain sub forums.

My only issues with AAM are the slightly quirky thread following mechanism.
Also I don't know really things are meant to go. But then I've never had a problem finding anything so maybe that means its not a problem.