AIB new mortgage offer-€2k switching incentive


Registered User
AIB called me today to tell me about their new offer- €2000 in cash to switch to them, LTV<50% rate of 3.1% after July 1.
Will keep an eye on what BOI & UB do next while kicking off the AIB process. Last time I applied for a mortgage with AIB, their process was just dire.
AIB called me today to tell me about their new offer- €2000 in cash to switch to them, LTV<50% rate of 3.1% after July 1.
Will keep an eye on what BOI & UB do next while kicking off the AIB process. Last time I applied for a mortgage with AIB, their process was just dire.

Hi Miser

I think that's absolutely the right approach - no point pushing the button unless you are sure you are getting the best deal available at that time. It's going to take a number of weeks to finalise the switch and who knows what offers might come along in the meantime?

As a matter of curiosity, did AIB ring you out of the blue or did something prompt the call?
Hi Miser
As a matter of curiosity, did AIB ring you out of the blue or did something prompt the call?
Someone in AIB calls me about once every six weeks "to see if I'm OK" and tries to sell me something. For once they had something interesting- normally they're trying to convince me to take out personal loans or car finance at 10%+ interest rates...
Wow! Every six weeks! You obviously somehow found yourself onto a Glengarry Glen Ross list of leads - any idea how how that happened?

You sound like you have your head well screwed on but I'm sure we can all think of people that mightn't be as tuned in as your good self. Bit worrying, no?

Still, in this case AIB actually seem to have brought something useful to your attention. You might think of mentioning it to your existing mortgage provider - these things have an uncanny way of being passed up the line...
No idea why Im an AIB "target". I've only got a current account, a credit card and a few old dormant savings accounts with <€1 balances, so its not like Im some high roller!

My current mortgage is with KBC- from what Ive seen here and elsewhere KBC don't respond at all to threats from customers to take their business elsewhere... so I'll probably switch over the summer. Would like to get a sub 3% rate before pulling the trigger though...