Bank Valuer is charging to put the report on their own headed paper


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Hi all,

is it normal for a valuation report to be charged to be put on the valuation companies own headed paper.

Ie we would like to use the same valuation with a couple of banks, but the banks will want the report on the valuation companies own headed paper and the report we got was using another's lenders (KBC) headed paper and we want to use this valuation for another bank as well so just wanted the report on the firm'e own headed paper.

Now the valuer wants another 61.50 to put the report onto their own headed paper.

Is this normal, seems like a total rip-off and that they should have gave us the report on their own headed paper in the first place.
Seems reasonable enough to me, other wise you'd have to get a separate valuation done for the other bank which would likely cost you more?
Seems normal. In the end, they have to stand over the valuation if its on their headed-paper.
How much did you pay for the valuation in the first instance? If the answer is zero, you're getting a bargain.
The valuation report cost 135 already, and we only wanted one report on their own headed paper they put it on KBC paper as KBC requested it but we had to pay for it and it does seem mad that we have to pay again for them to print it out on the company's own headed paper.
The valuation report cost 135 already, and we only wanted one report on their own headed paper they put it on KBC paper as KBC requested it but we had to pay for it and it does seem mad that we have to pay again for them to print it out on the company's own headed paper.

The problem is that they provided the report for KBC, at your expense. The report will say that it is for the benefit of KBC. You want to use the report with other lenders which means the valuers potential liability for negligence ( however unlikely) is beginning to extend outwards

The problem is that they provided the report for KBC, at your expense. The report will say that it is for the benefit of KBC. You want to use the report with other lenders which means the valuers potential liability for negligence ( however unlikely) is beginning to extend outwards

There is only one property
involved and only one potential purchase, regardless of who provides the finance. How can the liability of the valuer increase if it is used by different lenders?
I'd say it's a rip-off. Did you pay the valuer directly or did your fee go through the bank?