Grazing Cattle on my property

Scott N

Registered User
Hi All, two questions. A friend of my neighbor is grazing his herd of cattle at my place. For me free lawn mowers. If the cattle get out and cause damage to my neighbors property, is he responsible or will it be me or will they go after both of us?

The next question is if the cattle cause damage to my place what recourse do I have against him? Is that basically I will have to sue him to recover damage if he doesn't fix any damages?

Thank You
You are giving your blessing to allow a herd of cattle to graze on your land in exchange for free lawn cutting. Sounds crazy, I reckon you should do this legally even if your were to charge him an nominal amount.
My neighbors are big ropers. They do their little rodeos around the state. I needed my big field cleaned up till we can get it replanted and the water on. The herd owner lives on the next road. They have asked if we want to go permanent and we would then make a year round financial arrangement. I'm debating it. I was curious here as to how far my responsibility for his cattle go. At this present time. Would he be solely responsible for what they do or by just having them here am I a major party to this.
I needed my big field cleaned up till we can get it replanted and the water on

If it is only going to be short term leave them graze for free. Do not agree to go permanent or enter any financial agreement. Chances are they will have it grazed in a few months and once you get them out keep them out.
My neighbors are big ropers. They do their little rodeos around the state. I needed my big field cleaned up till we can get it replanted and the water on. The herd owner lives on the next road. They have asked if we want to go permanent and we would then make a year round financial arrangement. I'm debating it. I was curious here as to how far my responsibility for his cattle go. At this present time. Would he be solely responsible for what they do or by just having them here am I a major party to this.

Where are you based? This is an Irish site, so legal questions relate to Irish law, not that of other countries.