Judgement on home


Registered User
I received a notice of registration of a judgement from the Property Registration Authority on 10th June in respect of a Bank of Ireland debt.

I have only been notified by their solicitors of same today the 27th June.

I do not understand how their were able to obtain a judgement without a court case, is this possible ?
This debt has been paid by standing order for the last 5 years and only three months ago they accepted an increased payment with a review to follow in six months.
The amount was €9344 in June 2012 and I have paid €1800 since then and now judgement of € 9,101 has been obtained with interest of 8% pa
Sounds harsh;
It may well be that within ongoing correspondance they said they were going for judgment.

Before the judgment gets actually put (against ) your home can I suggest.

1. Write to them on the basis you did not realise that judgment was being put on.
2. Would they please withhold registering judgment and give you a month tocome up with a proposal.
3. 9101@8% will cost you over 84 months 142 each month.
4. Can you afford @ least 142 each month?

Try not to have the judgment ACTUALLY on your deeds as its circa 2,000 ? (i think) to get it shifted in future.
Based on the amount it would have been a Circuit Court case. They would have sent a Civil Bill by registered post. If you did not enter an appearance and defence with 10 days the bank will automatically granted judgement without a hearing.

Once they have the judgement it is a mere formality to register the judgement as a mortgage against your property.
Sounds harsh;
It may well be that within ongoing correspondance they said they were going for judgment.

Before the judgment gets actually put (against ) your home can I suggest.

1. Write to them on the basis you did not realise that judgment was being put on.
2. Would they please withhold registering judgment and give you a month tocome up with a proposal.
3. 9101@8% will cost you over 84 months 142 each month.
4. Can you afford @ least 142 each month?

Try not to have the judgment ACTUALLY on your deeds as its circa 2,000 ? (i think) to get it shifted in future.

Too late now as it has been registered by the PRAI.
Time; Misread that thanks.

If Fionnmacuill makes the payments as suggested it will at least have it paid in 7 years.