AIB - personal debt situation


Registered User
X and Y separated some time ago.

X is primary carer for children - and has limited financial income.

Y is into supreme pettiness. Has income.

Small debt with AIB and its J&S. Both paying - X what is a significant element of X's Income. Y is just not prepared to pay it off as it drives X insane.

AIB then send this '10 day letter' to X. Alleges that X failed to respond.


Has anybody been experiencing with AIB:

- AIB alleging letters sent and then not responded to in 10 elapsed days (not business days)
- breaches of CPC in not understanding what it involves;
- failing to tackle the capable payer;
- general bullying tactics.

X should pay off the debt. That fixes all issues.

Forget about AIB - that is not where the problem is.

Small debt with AIB and its J&S. Both paying - X what is a significant element. Y is just not prepared to pay it off as it drives X insane.

This is very, very confusing. It would really help if you gave numbers.

X and Y have a joint and several debt.

"Both paying" but obviously not meeting the full repayments or AIB would not be writing to them.

X is paying a "significant element". What does that mean? Significant in terms of X's income or a significantly higher share than Y.

Why should Y pay it off if it's a joint and several debt?

If they are meeting their contractual repayments, then it's not a matter for AIB.

If they are not meeting them, then AIB should be writing to both.

Has X informed AIB to pursue both?

Whose ICB record is more important? Can X just stop paying?
- AIB alleging letters sent and then not responded to in 10 elapsed days (not business days)
- breaches of CPC in not understanding what it involves;
- failing to tackle the capable payer;
- general bullying tactics.

Can you give an example of each of the above? Sounds to me that AIB just want to be paid for the money you borrowed and they are apparently not getting paid on time or properly and so are sending out letters that are not so nice.
For the avoidance of doubt:

1. Its not me.

Just answer the questions at the end, or don't answer - the rest of by way of background and don't need (or want) a commentary on this.
Just answer the questions at the end, or don't answer - the rest of by way of background and don't need (or want) a commentary on this.

That's lovely Wizard. You should have put it in the opening post.