auctioneers bill 7 years later


Registered User
7 years ago..i was selling my house.2 auctioneers had it.
i got it sold and paid the bill with the auctioneer that sold it.
about a year later the auctioneer that did not sell the house sent me out a bill for newspaper advertising that for €700,i was shocked to say the least as i never asked for that.
I went into office and paid him 300 and said thats all i have and i told him i thought his prices were crazy,and that he only ever had 1 veiwer at the house!
over the years he sent me the odd reminder bill for the balance.And now Today i get a bill stating if i dont pay the balance in 7 days he's taking legal action.
what should i do? pay up in installments to save hassle or dispute it?im broke btw
Doubt he will litigate for €400 so you could call his bluff. But as you owe the money I'm sure he would accept a few bob when you have it.
This sounds like somebody who is desperate for money !! Have you read the T & Cs when you appointed them ?? Have they provided copies of the advertisements and copies of the Invoices for the advertising. I think its a bit rich for them to offer vile threats at this time. The mistake you made was giving a part payment without the information.
When did you pay the €300 as in the exact date.
Did you acknowledge any of the correspondence?
i never signed an agreement with him.he had the house on his books for 2/3 months..he sent me a list of all the newspapers and the cost of each.
The payment of €300 i made was on the 6/02/08.
He even a few months back sent the bill to my folks house.

iv ignored all correspondence since that date (feb 08)
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If its February 2008 that is less than six years - so if he commences action before 6/2/14 he will have a valid claim. Thats why he is doing this now.
You need to review the circumstances and prepare a defence.

You could go to FLAC and get advice.

What I would do in advance is work out the circumstances as to how the Auctioneer thinks he was hired. Part of your issue is you paid up part of it.
If its February 2008 that is less than six years - so if he commences action before 6/2/14 he will have a valid claim. Thats why he is doing this now.
Or he could have sold the debt on or maybe someone new, like a son, has taken over and fancies his chances.
no its still the same man,and its a small town,and i know the solicitor he's friendly with will be pretty stressed now as iv just noticed the latter was dated the 19th so iv only monday to get this sorted
over the years he sent me the odd reminder bill for the balance

He was probably expecting you to pay off a few bob now and again.

You should not have agreed to let him spend so much on advertising. I'm surprised more people do not just list their property for sale on various property websites and cut out these auctioneers. You would do it to sell your car but why not your house. Anyway, it looks as if you should pay off the 400, but have nothing more to do with him again.
If you have no means and no house/property then don't pay it and tell him that. If he pursues you legally then deal with it as it comes. I doubt it will go much further than a few strongly worded letters from his solicitor.
With only the prospect of scaled costs available in the District court it would be madness to go to court over a debt this small.
the auctioneer that did not sell the house sent me out a bill for newspaper advertising that for €700,i was shocked to say the least as i never asked for that.

he sent me a list of all the newspapers and the cost of each.

Seems to me he incurred costs on your behalf and you should at a minimum have paid those, and were lucky not to have to pay his fee. It doesn't matter that whether you signed a contract with him or not. You hired him. I don't understand how you didn' task for advertising, how else but via advertising does an auctioneer conduct business. Nowadays it's more common for the ad to be on 'daft' or 'myhome' but 7 years ago there were a lot of ads in the newspapers, in fact I think the papers will full to the gills with them around 2006.

I think you should come to a payment schedule with him.