Thomas Byrne - what did he spend the money on


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As we have reached the conclusion of another riveting tale of Celtic Tiger madness, other than coats, what did the man actually spend the money on?

Even the best of clothing from BT is not going to cost anywhere near 53 million?
I would imagine there is more to this than meets the eye,I would think that further details will emerge.
BT should be ashamed of themselves selling such utter tat,I have seen better coats in a charity shop.I honestly thought that he had hit such a low point that he was borrowing his mother's old "going to mass coat"
I heard that he had latched on to a number of "tied agents" of financial institutions from where he got his loans. Were these people wined and dined? Were any of these people called to give evidence during his trial? Did these people get commission or performance related payments for all the business he gave them?
It wouldn't surprise me that many people were feeding from the trough in many ways that the rest of us are paying for now.
,I have seen better coats in a charity shop.

Well I though he was quite the dandy. A lot of thought and effort went into his daily appearances.

Delboy I realise 100K was spend on a pop group, but that was not by Byrne. I was wondering, when he drew down loans on properties he did not own, what did he do with the money, and also wondering why he didn't have an exit strategy aka Lynn.
.. I have seen better coats in a charity shop.I honestly thought that he had hit such a low point that he was borrowing his mother's old "going to mass coat"

'tis a shame he's awaiting sentencing on the day Clerys re-opens ;) !

I assume the funds that passed through his hands were put into property investments that went belly-up ?
Money to Byrne! He alleged that he was paying Mr Kelly €450,000 a week at one stage - that's an awful lot of money - there must be a trail through his bank accounts and it'll be very interesting to see where it all went.
He alleged that he was paying Mr Kelly €450,000 a week at one stage - .

Kelly gave an interview to the Sunday Times, and basically says everything that Byrne stated was a lie. Also mentione that he himself didn't seem to be a very big spender, but that didn't ring true when you consider he paid 100K for a pop group.
Kelly gave an interview to the Sunday Times, and basically says everything that Byrne stated was a lie. Also mentione that he himself didn't seem to be a very big spender, but that didn't ring true when you consider he paid 100K for a pop group.

Where does one buy pop groups?
Where does one buy pop groups?

I guess you have to contact Simon Cowell. You could also try at the Ice Bar in the Four Seasons, bound to be someone there who knows. But's it's pricey so bring a large wallet, 100 Euro for a whiskey. And I was there once and they sold water from Icebergs, it wasn't 100 Euro, but I thought it was very expensive whatever the price it was, not sure why I remember that but I do. That and the birthday party for a very young child - height of the celtic tiger madness, but I didn't realise how mad.