Off the road since Jan not putting car on road


Registered User
I took my car off the road in Jan 2013 as I couldn't afford to run it as a 2nd car. I have no plans to put it back on the road in the next 2-3 months.
I've looked at the new motor tax system and I don't know which form to use to make sure i'm not caught for back tax.
Can anyone advice? I need to get it sorted today.
Taken from recent newspaper advertisements:

Owners whose vehicles have been off the road can still make a declaration in a Garda Station using Form RF100A - Motor Tax Renewal Form - during September. The declaration can cover the period to the end of August 2013 only. The owner must tax the vehicle from the start of September onwards if being put back in use, or declare the vehicle off the road from the start of September using form RF150. The completed form RF150 must be with your local motor tax office by the close of business on 30th September, 2013.

Further details on these changes are available from or or local motor tax office.
Be aware that there are long queues at most Local Authority Tax Offices around the country. Don't leave it until the last minute!
Just a thought. If you have no plans to put it back anytime soon, would a sale not be worth considering?
Post #2 is absolutely correct.

Two further points.

3 months is the minimum time period allowed for declaring in advance that a vehicle is remaining off the road.

The properly completed forms, both the RF100A and the RF150 in the OP's case, will be processed if posted to the relevant Motor Tax Office with a postmark not later than 30th Sept. This was stated by the minister yesterday.
Just a thought. If you have no plans to put it back anytime soon, would a sale not be worth considering?

Also if you sell it all liability disappears, so no need for this charade of submitting forms.
I'll look into shifting it. Thanks for your help.Got the forms filled out anyway to save trouble down the line.