House Insurance and Neighbours tree


Registered User
Our neighbour has a couple of very large Sycamores within a couple of meters of the boundary wall. In fairness one is there for the last 50 or 60 years, long before her, the other she planted.

There is a 20ft difference in the ground level between our property and theirs nextdoor, we are on the lower side of a 20 ft very old stone wall. This is the wall the trees are beside. We can see roots coming through the wall in places and there has already been an old collapse repaired in the past. As I say, the ground level on the neighbour's side is nearly 20ft above our ground level, so any problems with the wall are only visible on our side. So the first obvious concern is damage to the wall.

Another big problem is the fact that ours is an old converted cottage. So it is less than 20 foot high, and three meters from the old wall. As the trees are starting to grow 20 ft above us, and one is about 30ft and growing, the other at least 40 ft, we are talking 50 ft and more above our ground level. If one of those trees came down, it would take out the house. To top it off there are esb power lines running through them, so they would be down too.

The esb had someone cut the branches around the wires, but the branches above are left be.

When I asked my home insurance company if we were covered for damage from falling branches and/or trees, they told me I needed to inform our neighbour in writing that we were concerned about the problem and if she did nothing and a tree or branch fell causing damage, they would go after her for compensation. They also said that I should tell her that if she was advised there was a problem and she did not act, her own insurance company may refuse to cover her and that would make her liable in person.

I feel that this is a bit heavy handed. I do not want to start a problem with a neighbour. I have voiced my concerns in the past but nothing has happened. We have a good relationship and I do not want to mess that up needlessly. Is the advice from the insurance company accurate? Can they refuse to cover me in the case of an accident if I did not notify her in writing?

I know i can cut the overhanging branches on our side back to the wall, but I am afraid this may actually destabilise the old tree, and does nothing about the root problem.

I just want to make sure that I am going about this the correct way, and avoid where possible undermining a good neighbourly relationship.
The esb had someone cut the branches around the wires, but the branches above are left be.

When I asked my home insurance company if we were covered for damage from falling branches and/or trees, they told me I needed to inform our neighbour in writing that we were concerned about the problem and if she did nothing and a tree or branch fell causing damage, they would go after her for compensation. They also said that I should tell her that if she was advised there was a problem and she did not act, her own insurance company may refuse to cover her and that would make her liable in person.

For seven years we lived with neighbors trees and unfort are still living with some.

Before we built we immed discussed "gutting" them at our expense, NO, then trimming "DO NOT TOUCH OUR TREES". Left for three years, no light, dirt of them unbelievable.

We rang esb as we too had power lines at the back of our property. Came out with huge tractors and pizza like saw and what they removed was so disappointing, considering they had the man power and equipment and time as they spent ages standing around, why they didnt gut them I dont know.

Eventually edge of one tree canopy was touching the side of our house. Took advice re the trees, yes u can trim anything hanging over the ditch and throw it back in. We informed the neighbor. We did it and what a difference but still no light and dirt.

Left for two years and then a neighbours tree of similar size and age fell blocking the road. Checked with our insurance company and told the same as you. We approached the neighbour, who said he'd farm insurance and would look into it. Heard nothing.

Then another neighbour happened to be in with him about year later and didnt a huge branch just creak and fall off another tree and nearly got the pair of them. We were immediately told of this and decided to act. This time we got his permission to cut them as we harped on about a real danger to our children (which was a real fear).

We could only afford to cut the crowns off the trees, have huge trunks left which unfort this year have sprouted new foliage. But the result is amazing, our house during the winter is like a heater was shining on it. No dirty leaves, moss, twigs, sticks, even branches sometimes falling into our property. Our gutters needed to be cleaned every week, we'd even put gutter barriers up but still small stuff got in, leaves collected like a carpet on the gutters.

There is still a line of conifers left but we'v left them. Cost around 3K in total to do what we did.

We also contact the local council as some trees were on the roadside of the ditch, heard nothing/nothing done. Also local politician, nothing done (yet I suppose I should add).
That sounds like what the insurance company told was accurate then.
Thanks Sandles. Sounds like you have come out the other side of this one, though 3k is a lot to pay to sort out someone else's trees!

May have to do the same myself. To be honest, I think I would nearly pay for it to be done at this stage as they are such a worry. Thing is, just cutting them back, even to the crown, won't sort the root v wall issue I have. I would really prefer they were removed.

I suppose I will write a letter to the neighbour first and see how it goes.
removing the trucks was I think going to be €2k extra, and to remove the actual stump was a frightening figure I cant remember as they need a special boring machine. anyway we had no permission to do anything from neighbours side, it all had to be done from our side which led to our tarmac drive receiving a few bumps as machine had huge wheels and another huge pads. his excuse was he worried about insurance blah blah.

It was a mini nightmare, really but you'll get through it. Everyone thought we were mad to spent that kind money. Terrible thing was the neighbour gave everyone the impression he was paying for it as afraid of what would happened if one fell. I quickly sorted that one out and even told his 10 adult children about the total cost, everytime I saw them out. they never batted an eyelid.