Primary School Question .

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Hi Please help me ..Yesterday my 6 year old son came home in tears , telling me as best he could ( no school note ) that his class is "breaking up" and he is going into a different class (1st ) next year with some boys who are not his buddies. His two best friends are going together into another class . So i asked his principal this morning to explain as he doesnt know whats after happening... THe Principal tells me that they have received an extra teacher for mainstream, she needs to use her up so she is splitting all of the new 1st class up for septand he will have only 14 in his new class ( yes 14 ! ) I said but " he is not with his two friends " but two boys he never ever plays with . The principal explained that he had picked these other boys himself ..I said When ? MY son says he didnt and doesnt know or rem being asked ( hes only 6 ! ) i asked her could he go in with his friends if the class numbers are so small as his socialable and emotional side will suffer if he changes from his best friends now after 2 years together ..she flatly told me no !and i have no rights to expect it to be chasnged and shes not changing her mind .. I was flummoxed ! ive never ever ever caused a problem , gone in , complained on anything with this school. In fact my two older children went though it , with brilliant results . She is a new principal since last year. she says he is with his friends and im saying hes not ( i dont even know the other boys ..) and shes says there is nothing i can do about it !! Really.. Have I any rights ..she tells me NO " Im devasted for my little fella , who now thinks he did something wrong.. hes only 6.. and a good little boy ..middle of the road accademically but a lovely little chappy ...have i no input re my childs education or emotional or social rights ???
Can she just do this to him and i cant say ..please dont ... he is so sad tonight ... I jave requested a second meeting on monday so that my husband can come in as my boy does not understand ...please give me some guidance
While I understand your son is upset at the prospect of his class being broken up, in the long term he will be incredibly lucky being in a smaller sized class.
Most classes today have 30 children, or there about. Your son will benefit from having much more one to one time with his teacher.
I am assuming your little boy is going into senior infants..... Would I be right in assuming he knew very few of the children in his class when he first started in Junior Infants? ... I'm sure by the end of day one he was coming home with stories about his new friends.
I'm sure your little boys worries are only being nurtured by your own apprehensions...... Being mixed up with other children is not going to have a long lasting emotional impact on your little boy. If anything, it will be a positive experience for him.
The school should have a written policy in relation to splitting classes.

In our school classes are split according to pupils' ages.

Ask to see the policy.
My daughters class was split - in boys and girls. Boys moved into principal class but unfort girls stayed with past years teacher and now I def feel my child was at a loss as she repeatedly said they doing stuff they'd done before. We did get a letter discussing this change etc.

Children are very resilient, The new boys could turn out to be his friends for life.
A few years ago my son's year had one and a half classes, the other half class shared a teacher with class below. Then they decided to make 2 smaller classes. My son was one of the youngest in his class so was offered to move over to other class with some other kids. I was asked to come in and discuss this with the principle. Only one other boy was willing to move as well. Luckily it was my son's best friend. It was totally up to us if he moved or not.
I know this is not always possible but i think you should have been given some notice about this and a chance to discuss it with teacher or principle. It worked out well for my son as he loved this new teacher and was in a smaller class so got more attention.
Your son will adapt very quickly to the new class. Is there any chance you could arrange play dates with some of the kids in the new class over the summer holidays? I don't mean to be flippant but your son is very young and 2 months off is a long time and by sept he will prob be over his upset.

Hope it all works out for him.
Our school refuses any individual requests for moves between classes to be near friends. Because they reckon they be flooded with requests. And I assume they can't make everyone (parents) happy. I can't imagine there would be that many requests as most kids would be happy where they are.

I'd be more concerned where the teacher tells you something that doesn't ring true, like they are his friends when you know they aren't. Kids will often give an answer they think people want to hear rather than what they really feel. Perhaps that happened. Bit it seems odd to the kids would be asked to pick themselves. I find that hard to believe. Do teachers agree with the Principle, that these are his friends?

Meeting the same kids out of school in football, swimming or other such class will help to bond them and mix. We done this a lot as one of ours had a similar experience being one of the few to split from his peers when the classes were created and divided. I think its important to be with your friends.
My kids have both been in mixed classes and we were given no choice on the matter. In my daughters school they mox the class so there is a mix of ability in the classes. THey were allowed to write the names of 3 of their friiends and were guaranteed they would end up in same class of at least one (she was 4th class at the time so older)

My son in his previous school there was 2-3 classes each year of his year (mixed sex up to 1st class then they change school) and they mixed them up each year. He had no bother making new friends and it helped widen his circle of friends.
If I were you, I would take this as a given and sell the upside to your son. He is to be one in a class of 14, so there are 13 other kids for him to get to know. I assume all first class classes will have common break times so he'll still get to see his current buddies at break and yard time. And there's always the after-school time to plan for.

I think you should work with the Principal on this one. If she accomodates your request, then she may have other requests to accomodate so it is easier to not allow any.

I believe you do not have any rights to be upheld by the Principal.

With 14, you've a lot to be grateful for. My son finishes national school tomorrow and his class has been over 30 since 2005.
HI RedWellies..Thank you for your reply ..My son is going into 1st class and has spent 2 years primary and 1 year post primary with his 2 other friends .. he is not with either now and he is very very upset.I do not show my feelings to him on the contrary i am up beat about it but he is terribly terribly sad. His class only had 20 in it before so to mash them all up at this stage i think is madness.

I am assuming your little boy is going into senior infants..... Would I be right in assuming he knew very few of the children in his class when he first started in Junior Infants? ... I'm sure by the end of day one he was coming home with stories about his new friends.

I'm sure your little boys worries are only being nurtured by your own apprehensions...... Being mixed up with other children is not going to have a long lasting emotional impact on your little boy. If anything, it will be a positive experience for him.

I know that Social and Emotional wellbeing of children are as important as educational and he has to start all over again while his friends bound happily together into theres.. no its just not right .
Dear PaddyBloggit

That is a great idea, thank you for your advice , as its advice about bringing the matter forward i am after ..Board of Management ...INTO ..Dept Of Education

The school should have a written policy in relation to splitting classes.

Ask to see the policy.
Dear Mugga

Yes this is a huge point with all the parents ..

No Note
No Communication from the school
Letting a 6 year old , go home to explain to his parents when he isnt even sure himself what is going on or why other than how upsat he is that he is not with his 2 friends , who are together.. The new principal is acting like the something out of the novel Animal Farm indifference "Napolean is always right" George Orwell ... Well i am sorry but Principals are not always right..but it seems they can do what they want...

Iwould agree with this, although I do think the school should hae notified parents of this
Dear Sandals

Thank You ...Somebody who emotionally knows what he is feeling and what i am worried about .. THis is my third child and i know how some changes can affect education...As someone who has a third level education, i know that peers are as important as teachers..

He is not with any of his friends but split ..

Thank you
My daughters class was split - in boys and girls. Boys moved into principal class but unfort girls stayed with past years teacher and now I def feel my child was at a loss as she repeatedly said they doing stuff they'd done before. We did get a letter discussing this change etc.

Children are very resilient, The new boys could turn out to be his friends for life.
THanks Curlysue,

I agree with you re the comunication ..which was totally void ..

unfortunately ...lets call a spade a spade ..

these other 3 boys are not the type to invite over, even for a play date .. they are boys whos language is very colourful etc..

now blast me if thats terrible to say but this is the truth ...

so no this is not an option

A few years ago my son's year had one and a half classes, the other half class shared a teacher with class below. Then they decided to make 2 smaller classes. My son was one of the youngest in his class so was offered to move over to other class with some other kids. I was asked to come in and discuss this with the principle. Only one other boy was willing to move as well. Luckily it was my son's best friend. It was totally up to us if he moved or not.
I know this is not always possible but i think you should have been given some notice about this and a chance to discuss it with teacher or principle. It worked out well for my son as he loved this new teacher and was in a smaller class so got more attention.
Your son will adapt very quickly to the new class. Is there any chance you could arrange play dates with some of the kids in the new class over the summer holidays? I don't mean to be flippant but your son is very young and 2 months off is a long time and by sept he will prob be over his upset.

Hope it all works out for him.
THanks Albacore

Would you believe it some parents dont even know yet .. as their children havent told them parent was shocked when i asked her what she thought ? she reallly did not know ( no note ) and her boy had not told her .. upon asking him in front of me , he said he wasnt sure ...he only knew his class room number..

some parents are abroad as they took their kids out early to go on hols ..

He genuinely is not a happy bunny . His principal told me he is with a friend ..its laughable hes not .. my son said the other boys picked each othar and some other boy picked him ..he thought it was to sit on a bus to go somewhere ...they are only 6 and didnt understand ..i mean to send out no notes just amazing

His Teacher pulled me aside and told me "that if it was her child she would be very unhappy for my little boy as he didnt go with any friends " she said not to use her name as she would have to deny it ..imagine her own teachers are scared of the principal !! this upset me more.

Our school refuses any individual requests for moves between classes to be near friends. Because they reckon they be flooded with requests. And I assume they can't make everyone (parents) happy. I can't imagine there would be that many requests as most kids would be happy where they are.

I'd be more concerned where the teacher tells you something that doesn't ring true, like they are his friends when you know they aren't. Kids will often give an answer they think people want to hear rather than what they really feel. Perhaps that happened. Bit it seems odd to the kids would be asked to pick themselves. I find that hard to believe. Do teachers agree with the Principle, that these are his friends?

Meeting the same kids out of school in football, swimming or other such class will help to bond them and mix. We done this a lot as one of ours had a similar experience being one of the few to split from his peers when the classes were created and divided. I think its important to be with your friends.

I alawys meet his friends for rugby, hurling and gaa football and his friends come over here regularly so he will keep in contact with them that way but again from his point of view.. its now 2 together and he is on his own .. its so sad for his little body to be thinking like that and in no way do i enforce it ..i am extreamly positive about it all
Dear TarfHead

Are we not in a democracy ?? Does a principal rule with no Accountability ?? really ???


No Communication

I am not the only parent annoyed ...

Surely she could have put him with 1 friend ..

I am sorry but this Principal has caused a good few enemies in her first year ...

Communication is everything
If I were you, I would take this as a given and sell the upside to your son. He is to be one in a class of 14, so there are 13 other kids for him to get to know. I assume all first class classes will have common break times so he'll still get to see his current buddies at break and yard time. And there's always the after-school time to plan for.

I think you should work with the Principal on this one. If she accomodates your request, then she may have other requests to accomodate so it is easier to not allow any.

I believe you do not have any rights to be upheld by the Principal.

With 14, you've a lot to be grateful for. My son finishes national school tomorrow and his class has been over 30 since 2005.
Surely We can go to the board of management , INTO or the DEpt of Education to voice our dissattisfaction as to the way the principal did not communicate these changes ?

I would keep up the pressure. In my experience schools and principles are a law unto themselves. If you could get some of the teachers on your side it would probably help. I would try everything.

We went through an issue with our local schools changing the catchment unfairly and got nowhere. They can simply do what they like, once its in their rules somewhere. As Paddy said you should ask to see their policy on splitting classes.
I just spoke to the dept of education and seemingly ... they are powerless ... imagine ..another aspect of this beautiful country with no accountability ...politicians , bankers , financial regulators and now principals !!

I can go to the board of management and thereafter the BISHOP !!!! The Dept can do nothing

How in the name of god is there no accountability for PRINCIPALS ... Madness ..

I love our country but sometimes it infuriates me
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