Change of use of part of building


Registered User
Hi! I have a house rented out. There is an extra sitting room on the side with a separate toilet/cloakroom off it. I had often thought of chaning the use of just that room and keeping the rest of the house rented out.

Now, a play therapist and a counsellor have approached me to asked if I would be interestedin renting the room out. I haven't asked the tennants yet, but know that they only use the other sitting room which is in the main part of the house.

There would be parking for two/three cars in the driveway. All the tenants have resident parking permits - the residents are quite strick about parking and there is a strong residents assocaition in the area, which may pose a problem with applying for change of use of part of the building, though I know that there an accountant and a builder are also listed in the local business directory as running their business from there.

The other issue I had is that I really don't think it is private enough for a play therapy/counselling business - though the two people who approached me seem to think so.

In years to come, we may live in this house. What would be the implications of a change of use of part of the building, is it possible? I would have to put a door and smaller window in the front of the house, instead of one very large window in order to facilitate access - does this need planning permission?

What would the implication be for business costs, rates etc if I applied for a change of use for part of the building? How much does it cost to apply for change of use? Are there any other considerations I need to think of?

  1. What would be the implications of a change of use of part of the building, is it possible?
  2. I would have to put a door and smaller window in the front of the house, instead of one very large window in order to facilitate access - does this need planning permission?
  3. What would the implication be for business costs, rates etc if I applied for a change of use for part of the building?
  4. How much does it cost to apply for change of use?
  5. Are there any other considerations I need to think of?


  1. yes its possible, and yes it can changed back to residential at a later date. first thing first get a layout prepared by an architect and approach the planning authority
  2. yes, the door and the change of use requires planning. then fire certification, building energy rating, disabled assess certification.
  3. yes you would pay rates, the local authority can advise on the amount
  4. planning application will be €3.60per msq or 80€ (which ever is greater) + maps, add, and off course costs associated to architects drawings
  5. once you have totted up all the costs associated with the application, certification, up-keep, rates, perhaps see an auctioneer/ financial advisor and see what rent you need to charge to recoup this investment over what time frame etc.
