What are the rules regarding AGM dates

Brendan Burgess

The Consumers Association of Ireland had its last AGM on 27 October 2011.

I thought that, under the Companies Act, they must have their next AGM within 15 months which would be the 27 January 2013.

I presume that they must give 21 days notice?

Their last accounts were 31 May 2011 which they submitted on 30 Nov 2011.

They changed their AR date to 28 Feb 2013.

I presume that they could have the AGM after the ARD?
Their last accounts were 31 May 2011 which they submitted on 30 Nov 2011.

They changed their AR date to 28 Feb 2013.

I presume that they could have the AGM after the ARD?

Last accounts 31/05/11 filled 30/11/11
next accounts 31/05/12 changed ard 9 months after accounts 28/02/13 which is correct imo

The Consumers Association of Ireland had its last AGM on 27 October 2011.

I thought that, under the Companies Act, they must have their next AGM within 15 months which would be the 27 January 2013.

I presume that they must give 21 days notice?

Under Companies Act 1963 S131.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), every company shall in each year hold a general meeting as its annual general meeting in addition to any other meetings in that year and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices calling it and not more than 15 months shall elapse between the date of one annual general meeting of a company and that of the next.

You are correct in the 21 days notice

But did they hold a meeting to change there ARD date and if so was that taken as the AGM ?
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I presume there would need be an AGM before the accounts are submitted (ARD + 28 days).
But did they hold a meeting to change there ARD date and if so was that taken as the AGM ?

Thanks Ants for the comprehensive reply.

I certainly don't remember notice of such a meeting. I presume that they would have had to notify members.

But did they hold a meeting to change there ARD date and if so was that taken as the AGM ?

A board meeting or meeting of members? I don't think that the directors require a meeting of members to change the ARD.