Storing red wine


Registered User
I recived a magnum of a very nice red wine recently.
I want to save it for a special occasion, possibly this Christmas.
Is there any special requirments for storing the wine until then, eg in the dark, keep bottle standing etc?
On its side, cork slightly to the ground, cool dark place. Apparently. ;)

Once the wine is in contact with the cork, that's enough. It's actually better store it so the cork is pointing up very slightly so that any sediment that forms does so at the base of the bottle rather than the neck.

I'll add not too dry and vibration free to Vanilla's list.

If you're feeling flash, get one of these cabinets :D

Go on, tell us what it is?
Leo, it's a chateauneuf de pape. I checked out the price on the supplier's website and it goes for €70 which is way beyond what I spend on wine!
I will look forward to having it at Christmas.
Sometimes you see wine 'fridges' for sale on donedeal quite cheaply. I often think about buying one but I have a simple metal wine rack, bought at a brocante in France, that I store in the garage and that works fine for me.

Years ago we bought a couple of boxes of Chateauneuf du Pape at a Foire au Vin in France and the only regret we had was that we didnt buy twice as much. Ahhhh well. You might need to decant for a while before serving- don't forget this part as it really does make a massive difference. And enjoy! But have a back up, just in case ( you never can tell with wine).
Leo, it's a chateauneuf de pape. I checked out the price on the supplier's website and it goes for €70 which is way beyond what I spend on wine!
I will look forward to having it at Christmas.

I always buy a good few bottles of it when its on special offer generally between €14-20 a bottle,not for "everyday" consumption though.
Nice one Shawady! You just can't beat a good CNDP.

In relation to the wine fridges, many of these are too cold. You don't want to go colder than 12-13 degrees. Vibration can be a consideration as well.