Financial Fraud -- Why don't people act against those that have created cuch ordeals



There must be thousands of Investors in Ireland that have been mis-sold Financial products or Investments, and have encountered lies, mis truths and downright false information to assist agents, bankers and reps to assist them in helping people fraudulently emptying their pockets.

From my part this has happened to me a number of times (stupid me), and after digging out all my papers have brought two very large cases to the Gardai Fraud Squad with full intentions of pressing charges.

For the sake of AAM and if one wishes to make a post, do not mention names or Institutions as the post will be swiftly deleted. The reason for this would be to cease or avoid any chance of litigation against those that are unable to read the case files.

They do as you did. They take their cases to the Financial Services Ombudsman.

And some will win their cases, as you did.

"fraud" is a criminal act and is a very serious and dangerous word to use.

In many cases, it is mis-selling and over-selling.

Mercman, currently im being accused of committimg fraud from an insurance co. i havent heard from them since returning to work in may but i just do not know what to do. should i ask for a final decision or let them make a move. my solicitor said to let them make a move forst as they are totally in the wrong

heres my thread concerning the problem

i clearly have been miss sold the policy and totally misinformed from their agent. they paid me the claim but want their money back
In many cases, it is mis-selling and over-selling.

And in many cases it isn't ! The F word does have a part to play. The Central Bank are very keen in telling the public of the changes in the law in relation to financial mis-selling. They fail to advise persons of their rights to take matters further if they so wish to.

Brendan, I didn't really wish to bring my own case into this thread, but in my case happenings did occur. What other reason why were senior people removed from their posts and their Financial Licenses withdrawn ??

Yours is a simple enough case of a mistake being made in making payments to you. You acted honourably - the company acted honourably but a mistake was made. There is no "fraud" on either side.

You may have been mis-sold a policy on which you could never claim. That is a different story.
