e-mail from Ryanair advising that Spanish Govt are increasing charges.


Registered User
Friend of mine received an e-mail from Ryanair this morning advising that the Spanish Govt are considering increasing airport charges later this month.

The mail advises that even for existing bookings, they are going to charge any additional costs onto your booking if these increases are implemented by the Spanish authority.

Surely this is illegal under consumer law as when you paid for your flight originally you entered into a binding contract with the company.
See "General terms and Conditions of Travel" Clause 4.2.2

They have it covered
I got the email to. Here's what it said:

Dear Customer

In relation to your flight reference XXX

Ryanair has been advised by the Spanish Government of a budgetary proposal to increase airport charges later this month.

In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Travel* we are advising customers with a reservation that includes a flight departing from a Spanish airport that we may be forced to debit passengers for any government imposed increases in airport charges prior to your travel date.

Once the Spanish government budget is published Ryanair will advise affected passengers by email of any additional airport charges that may apply to your reservation before any charges are made.

Please see our website for updates regarding increases in Spanish airport charges.

Yours sincerely

Ryanair Customer Service

• 4.2.2 Taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date that your reservation has been made. If any such tax, fee or charge is introduced or increased after your reservation has been made you will be obliged to pay it (or any increase) prior to departure. Similarly, if any such tax, fee or charge is abolished or reduced such that it no longer applies to you, or a lesser amount is due, you will be entitled to claim a refund of the difference from us.
Seems like they have it covered alright and they are going to apply retrospectively to flights booked before 2nd July or will give passengers an opportunity to cancel their flights if they can't/won't pay. Problem is we don't know how much the extra tax will be. My daughter has paid for 5 tickets on her credit card which is maxed out. Does anybody know what the charge will be?
€1.92 from Alicante , option to cancel and have a full refund if not agreeing to pay new tax. Refund applications before 13th July.
got this message from RA also, they have a link (to thei website) in the mail which will show what the charges are, saw this flagged a few months back in an article in the examiner so was just waiting for them to pounce....

they are not really giving much time to cancel flights ar they?, not that i will be doing this....heading to Salou next monday with wife and kids and we need a holiday....
My understanding was that the charges have only just been brought in so I can't see why you think it's Ryanair not giving you much time to cancel flights at least they're giving you the option and not automatically charging you.
Dear Customer, The Spanish 2012 budget was passed into law on Saturday 30 June, as a result all airlines are obliged, with effect from 1 July onwards to collect increased Spanish airport departure taxes from all passengers booked on flights after that date. In accordance with Ryanair's General Terms and Conditions of Travel (Article 4.2.2) we hereby advise passengers that we will debit passengers for the increased airport departure tax imposed by the Spanish government for all flights departing from Spain which were booked before the 1st July 2012 for travel from the 1st July onwards. These monies will be debited automatically from the payment card used at the time of booking. If you are not willing to accept this additional charge you may cancel your flights and apply for a full refund of your unused airfare, however you must do so by Friday 13th of July, otherwise your payment card will be charged. You may apply for a refund of your Spanish flight by clicking on the below link:
[link removed - Brendan] Please see below confirmation of the charges, per person, departing from Spain. http://www.ryanair.com/en/notices/gops/120706-sp_apt_tax_en-GB
Other than for flights departing Madrid and Barcelona, they all cost less than €2.

What have other airlines done?
What does a FULL refund actually mean

Got this email like others for a full refund on unused airfare. I was wanting to cancel anyway so this would be great. Does anyone know if i will get all my money with taxes and baggage?
I would hope so as they are offering me the refund.

Thanks, Clare
Just checled my itinerary. Been charged for 4 times flights out. 4 times flights back. 8 times eu261 levy. 8 times ets levy. 8 web check in. 4 checked bags and 4 admin.
Was hoping to get all or most of this back.
Its just short of £460

Cheers, Clare
Just checled my itinerary. Been charged for 4 times flights out. 4 times flights back. 8 times eu261 levy. 8 times ets levy. 8 web check in. 4 checked bags and 4 admin.
Was hoping to get all or most of this back.
Its just short of £460

Cheers, Clare

would you really cancel your flights because of this levy?
Got this email like others for a full refund on unused airfare. I was wanting to cancel anyway so this would be great. Does anyone know if i will get all my money with taxes and baggage?
I would hope so as they are offering me the refund.

Thanks, Clare

would you really cancel your flights because of this levy?

You missed the part where s/he wanted to cancel anyway.