How much to save for holidays


Registered User
Out of a salary of €2,500 a month I put €100 away for my holidays. I like to have one (and only one) nice holiday each year. It's nothing extravagant—usually a few days in a European city, staying in low-cost accommodation.

Do you think I'm spending too much on holidays? My holiday account is a B. of I. SuperSaver account; you have to save at least €100 a month.
Is the €100 the total of your savings or just for holidays? What percentage of your salary are you saving in total? How much can you afford to spend on holidays?

Ask yourself those questions and you answer the query you are making here.
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I think you also need to ask yourself how important are holidays for you.

Everyone has different priorities. "When I were a young lad" I knew lots of people for whom holidays were a major priority and they spent a lot more of their total income on holidays than I thought sensible. There were others for whom having a nice car was their major priority, others for whom clothes were number one, etc. etc.

It all depends on what floats your boat.

As somebody from the older school all my life we spend a bit over the odds on holidays for ourselves and the children.
Looking back,now the money was very well spent. We have been all over the world and have the most wonderful memories of holidays both as a couple and as a family.
Our children are now left home and we envy them heading off on their family holidays of discovery. We sometimes join them but it is difficult to please all age groups. Typically on a four day European City hol we would spend about €1200. Reasonable hotels and meals and the rest on tours, concerts etc. Enjoy, we pass this way but once. Browtal
I manage to save another €600 per month on top of that (saving up for a mortgage). Still, it leave things a bit tight at the end of the month.

Must say, I've never regretted spending on a holiday. I like going to unusual places and would not be one for the sun beach breaks. That said, I could probably cut back a bit on it. Browtal, I'm amazed that you could have a family holiday for that amount. There are ways and means I suppose.

Thanks for the replies.
It's all relative as Homer suggests. I absolutely love my holidays and go on a combination of ones each year. I always do a dun and ski one and anything else that pops up -city break, sports trip. I save a lot for them and at the expense of sometimes living a beans and toast life for a few weeks. To me it's worth it. I can go high end or budget on any. Usual clean and functional is what I like best.

I think you may have misread, we are now Darby & Joan alone now in our later years just the 2 of us.
We so miss our children but have close contact with them otherwise.
Good wishes Browtal
At least you're saving for your holidays and not putting them on the Credit Card like so many did in the Celtic Tiger days!

Go and enjoy. The memories are well worth it and you don't have to spend a fortune to have a lovely break somewhere interesting. It's like others posters say. Some people spend a lot on clothes or cars. If you prefer to spend your hard earned money on holidays that's your choice..........and mine as well :)
Typically on a four day European City hol we would spend about €1200. Reasonable hotels and meals and the rest on tours, concerts etc. Enjoy, we pass this way but once. Browtal

I would probably spend about €500 to €600 on a similar holiday. We wait for the lower cost flights, travel off peak season, happy with an Ibis, Mercure or Barcelo or similar hotel. Get the local bus and never get a taxi or go on an organised tour if we can do it ourselves. Enjoy the Menu del Dia or Plate of the day for food. Rent an apartment sometimes. We managed about 8 of these trips a year but have dropped back to about 3 a year in recent years. One in Spring, one in Autumn and an Irish summer one.
Would appreciate name of budget hotels in large cities that you have used and been happy with. Location most important to us so we can then come and go without getting transport other than on tours etc. as we get older we tire more easily and may need a rest in the afternoon. Browtal
I have signed up to most of the main hotel groups websites for "offers". I also have signed up to the discounters as well. Also to compare. I also weigh up if it is better to stay in an apartment also. It is about mixing and matching I suppose. You can also anticipate when the airlines will be having their real sale and nab the lower price. As Bill K says, Tripadvisor is a great source of information. I find the forums invaluable.