Fly US Airways

Flew with them from Philadelphia to Dublin a couple of years ago. No complaints really. The airplane was smaller than those that Delta and Aer Lingus use (seats in rows of 3 with just the one aisle between them) so getting up and moving around is more cramped and limited. But on the flip side, getting on and getting off took less time. Philly would not be the major hub that JFK or Chicago O'Hare would be, so if you have a connecting flight thru it, you may have to wait a while longer for it.
I flew with US last Easter to Florida. Previous year used Delta and have also flown Continental across the pond. In my opinion they are the poorest of the US carriers plying the Atlantic. They fly B757 (single aisle) or B767 (twin aisle) depending on time of year. B757 never greatest for 6hr trips but Delta/Continental use same. We were 2 adults and 2 kids 8 & 2. Overall staff on board pretty gruff really poor(even by airplane standards). Transfer in Philly was chaotic getting through security....we had a 2hr transfer window and literally were running (along with most others) to make second flight.
My main gripe however was on return. Original booking allocated random seats to all of us. I tried to change this via phone prior to holiday and was told that it would be done in Orlando on departure. On checking in in MCO was told they couldnt do it but in Philly the agents would change the seats (beginning to see a pattern emerge). In Philly agent told me she couldnt do it but the gate agent would! (In fact she told me i was lucky to have any seat!??)Guess what happened at gate...yep agent said Flight crew would do it!.... We didnt even need all seats together simply one adult + one child together as opposed to 2yro beside strangers!...We werent alone.....flight was mainly families and all were randomly seated. In the end the passengers sorted themselves out swapping seats etc.....crew ignored us all!........So all in all not the greatest crowd but they got me to Florida and back safely and relatively cheaply. I would travel again with them but only if they were significantly cheaper than alternatives.....Just my tuppence worth
I flew with them to Philly last year and found them fine - I got a great deal on the fare so that helped. The staff I found great to be honest, bit of a sense of humour about them and they were generally older crew who had probably seen it all before.

The entertainment system was really old fashioned but I was just sleeping/trying to sleep or reading listening to my own music. Food (I'm vegetarian) was grand.

To summarise, i'd probably prefer to use other airlines if they were the same price but I would use them again if price was less (think I saved over a €100 by going with them).
in my opinion on Transatlantic flights (I do 10 - 15 a year), Aerlingus = Delta = Air France = Lufthansa, then below all of them, Continental = US Airways = American Airlines

The last three will use single aisle aircraft, or have terrible entertainment or cabin storage. the first 4 typically operate Airbus A330, Delta sometimes use a 757. = Loads of space.

I still love Aerlingus, but they're getting tight with their cabin baggage policies on European flights. That said, free plane side checking is ok, if coming into T2, I've found the baggage delivery at T2 to be pretty reasonable.
I booked online to travel to the states with my Mother and we are seated together on all flights except for the main one from Dublin to Charlotte. I have looked at the seating plan online and the flight is basically full - certainly no two seats together are free. Is it worth phoning them up to try and get us two seats together or should I just wait until the morning that we are flying out and try and get sorted at the airport?
Best to just turn up early and ask at the airport or find someone to swap when you're on board

- pre assign yourself both aisle seats at this stage even not together as for swapping on board they're easiest to swap .. If you've got 2 aisles separated you'll likely easily be able to swap one of them for the middle seat next to the other.
- keep checking the seat map on their site .. Seats may free up with people changing plans or upgrading so if you check again you may be able to get seats together
in my opinion on Transatlantic flights (I do 10 - 15 a year), Aerlingus = Delta = Air France = Lufthansa, then below all of them, Continental = US Airways = American Airlines

Oh that's not good. We are flying with AA in July to Orlando through Chicago. Are they really that bad?, bottom of the pile. We will have two kids with us so this might be a concern.
US Airways - awful stewardess on Philadelphia flight

I would avoid US Airways. The planes are very cramped and the entertainment system not great, there's plenty of better and more modern airlines to fly with.
in my opinion on Transatlantic flights (I do 10 - 15 a year), Aerlingus = Delta = Air France = Lufthansa, then below all of them, Continental = US Airways = American Airlines

In my opinion I would swap Aer Lingus and American on that list. I hate Aer Lingus, had a couple of horrendous transatlantic flights with them, and will never give them a cent of my money again.

I found American to be professional and relatively comfortable. Would fly them over AL any day.

Am a skyteam frequent flyer so do most travel with Delta or Air France, and have had no problems with either.
I'm a bit biased on Aer Lingus, my wife was former crew, so I know how to talk to staff who need a perma-smile in the face of the most obnoxious passengers for close to min wage. If you're having a bad flight look in the mirror. My ratings were for the quality of the aircraft, entertainment, space etc. I've always had nice crew on all flights.
I'm a bit biased on Aer Lingus, my wife was former crew, so I know how to talk to staff who need a perma-smile in the face of the most obnoxious passengers for close to min wage. If you're having a bad flight look in the mirror. My ratings were for the quality of the aircraft, entertainment, space etc. I've always had nice crew on all flights.

For your information I am not a difficult passenger - me, my book, my ipod - I need very little from any crew and would never cause any trouble. My issues included broken IFE, dirty seat, filthy seat pockets, burnt food, rude crew, ruder crew...all my personal, genuine experiences. Totally contrary to yours, each flight is totally different.