Advice Please : Title deeds


Registered User
It turns out that I hold the original copy of my apartment's title deeds since almost fours years now . It looks like my solicitor gave it to me at some stage .

Still paying my mortgage on regular basis and still have another 120K to pay over 12 years .

My understanding that title documents should be with my lender ? Is this anything I can benefit from ?

Thanks for your advise
No. The mortgage will be registered on the property. If you have a single document it is unlikely to be the original title to the property. It is likely to be a completed copy of the tranfer assignment/conveyance into your name.
Thanks Brendan for your feedback .
As far as I was told by a professional financial adviser that I seem to have an original copy , and they are bunch of documents , something around 1500 pages.
You have signed a legally binding agreement to pay the mortgage.
If a mistake was made and you have been sent your title deeds by accident, you cannot use this an excuse to get out of paying your mortgage.

If you sold the house and lied about there being an outstanding mortgage, you would be breaking the law, and the mortgage holder and the buyer would very likely take you to court.
"Is this anything I can benefit from ? "


Unless you want compensation from someone? But for what? Or do you mean - do I not have to pay my mortgage? That won't wash.

If you do have the Deeds, it is accidental. I doubt very much that you have them. You may have counterparts ( i.e. duplicates) or earlier copies which pre-dated the final paperwork.

You should be more concerned about your situation,( in the unlikely event that you actually do have the originals) as to what would happen if the Deeds were destroyed by fire? They are far safer with your lender.

And, just to add to huskerdu, details of your mortgage will appear in the Property Registration Authority so any prospective purchaser will see details.

If the solicitor has been that careless it is possible that he has an outstanding undertaking to the Bank to complete the mortgage & is now concerned that the deeds are lost. The best policy here is to contact the solicitors office and advise him that you may have the original deeds. there is no benefit to you in keeping them.
Thanks all for your replies and advises ... Just to clarify my query here .. I am not intending to stop paying my mortgage by any means , am committed to it and luckily I can afford it so far ... and I am certainly going to hand it back to my lender as , from what I understood , this is the right and safest place to be .. if I wasn't wrong that this is the original copy .

During the course of last 3 years , I asked my lender to extend the life of my mortgage and reduce monthly payment , also I once asked to top up my mortgage with 50K to buy a holiday property (only 40% of total price), both requested were not welcomed and I was told that I will be off tracker and move to variable if I extend the life of mortgage.

Here comes my question , Would I be in better position if I re-negotiate such requests with the lender before handing over the title documents ?

Thanks again for your valuable feedback
Would I be in better position if I re-negotiate such requests with the lender before handing over the title documents ?

You mean can you blackmail the lender into giving you what you want?

If you have financial issues, and this is a financial advice website, you could spend your time and ours more constructively asking for advice on actual problems that you have instead of looking for ways to use the title deeds as leverage against the bank.