paid deposit on car...can i get it back?


Registered User
Went looking this evening to purchase a new second hand car with a trade in.
Foolishly signed a vehicle contract/sales contract with reputable main dealer.

Now having severe second thoughts....the finances don't properly match up for me and i feel i have stretched myself too far... yet another victim of a
clever sales team..
however i have signed contract and paid over €1,000 deposit using my credit card
Having just read contract properly. it informs me my deposit is non-refundable.
Is there no cooling off period. ? what should i do,
do i kiss goodbye to money?
For finance agreements There is generally a cooling off period where you sign a waiver there and then if you don't require it, as for your deposit I couldn't be sure but if you call them in the morning they may be teed off but hopefully will return your deposit
just to report problem whatsoever with getting refund....suprisingly understanding.....there is a lot to be said for choosing a well established main dealer when deciding to make a car purchase. When i do get my finances in order, They will be getting my custom.
just to report problem whatsoever with getting refund....suprisingly understanding.....there is a lot to be said for choosing a well established main dealer when deciding to make a car purchase. When i do get my finances in order, They will be getting my custom.

Well that's good news, why don't you name them for the benefit of others. It's always good to know where to do business.