What way are you voting?

NO on Dáil powers - the important vote
NO on judges pay - irrelevant, and unnecessary tinkering
1. Dana, in the sideshow Presidential election (I have a bet that Dana will get more 1st prefs than Davis)
I voted
1. Higgins
2. Mitchell

Yes to Judges pay
No to Abbeylara

I voted at 07.10 this morning and there was just me and one other gentleman.
I did a scientific exit poll based on the knowledge I had (my vote and he had a Higgin's sticker on the back of his car)

Results as follows: Higgins 100%

Could my sample size be relied on to be replicated throughout the country?
I'm voting

1. Norris
2. Higgins
3. McGuinness (I expect him to pick up more votes than Mitchell, Dana & Davis combined)

A big Yes to Judges Pay
And I'm still undecided on Abbeylara but leaning towards a Yes at the moment.
Voted at 7.10, first slip off the top of the book. They must have asked me 3 times if I wanted all 3 papers (....I was about to ask was it putting a dent in their profits or what?, I turned up, gimme the freaking papers!!!)

1. Higgins
2. Norris
3. Mitchell

Didnt bother after that, didnt want it on my conscience that I'd given a vote, or whatever hue, to the rest of them.

Yes to judges pay (unreserved)

Yes to Dail Committee - with some reservations but I think we've got a sufficiently strong media and other judicial arms to ensure no-one gets victimised for purely political reasons. I dont envisage any TD shouting "Take him down" and someone gets dragged away in chains - this country suffers from the other extreme, no-one will answer a simple question without half the law library hanging out of them, and we all pay their bill. If it stopped another Ivor Callelly laughing in our faces I think it would be a good days work.
Does anyone know the best strategy for keeping a certain candidate out. Is it better to vote for all 7 candidates with that candidate last or vote for the only you first preference?
As far as I can recall from the general election, you should give your preferences to everyone except the one you positively don't want.

I assume it should work the same for this one.
1. Gallagher (a decent guy who lead the most positive campaign)
2. Higgins

Yes to Judges Pay
No to Abbeylara
For only the second time since 1938, a presidential election will ultimately be determined by the second, third, and fourth preferences cast by voters.
Our new president will by no means necessarily be the candidate favoured by the largest number of voters.
Or, to put it another way, for only the second time in those 12 presidential elections will “plumpers” - voters who don’t vote down 2,3,4, etc beyond their Number 1 - potentially forgo the chance to determine who is and who is not elected.
Every preference may count, and every opportunity declined to use a vote effectively, to vote through the list, may also tell in what promises to be a knife-edge election.

[broken link removed]
Does anyone know the best strategy for keeping a certain candidate out. Is it better to vote for all 7 candidates with that candidate last or vote for the only you first preference?
You'd need to vote through the card and just leave off the one you want to keep out (or give them a 7, same thing).
Really don't want to vote for anyone but to keep McGuinness out I suppose I must.

1. Norris
2. Higgins
3. Gallagher
4. Davis
5. Mitchell
6. Dana

No and no on the referenda.
As regards the Cowen painting - it was the guards who got involved. TD's wont have powers of arrest etc. etc.

Rogue gardai can make anyone's life hell - see what happened in Donegal - but by and large its not a major problem, and dont we have an ombudsman to deal with it.

So balancing all sides, do you really think TD's are going to get away with
unjust "convictions"? As I understand it they can make findings of fact, but no direct consequences arise. If the guards decide to take it up and try to convict then, by all means, go at it hammer & tongs with all your legals, but the current system is either a) dysfunctional, or b) so expensive and protracted to make it effectively dysfunctional or at the very least atrocious value.

Arent these Dail committees cross party?, TD's are only 4 to 5 years away from their own public trial, so while I can see the anxieties, I just dont think they stand up to scrutiny. Its like these Civil Liberty types, if you to follow their lead the crims would roam free and the law abiding would be prisoners in their own home. I personally have more faith in the body politic than to think this is an arm of fascist dictatorship - which seems to be the kind of line that some people are taking on it.
I'm voting

1. Gallagher
2. Higgins

Yes to Judges Pay
No to Abbeylara

1. Gallagher (a decent guy who lead the most positive campaign)
2. Higgins

Yes to Judges Pay
No to Abbeylara
Of course you are entitled to vote as you wish, but there is really no point in giving Higgins a preference after Gallagher, or vice versa. They'll be the last two standing, so their votes will not transfer.
Of course you are entitled to vote as you wish, but there is really no point in giving Higgins a preference after Gallagher, or vice versa. They'll be the last two standing, so their votes will not transfer.
If the polls are to be believed.
Yeah, bookies are rarelywrong but it will be interesting to see what effect if any Monday's Frontline debate has on Gallagher's vote. It got huge coverage and he went from 10 to 40% very quickly in the past couple of weeks. He could equally fall back a bit too.