Priory Hall. So it was all Sinn Fein's fault?


Registered User
First off, can I just say that the Priory Hall situation is shocking, and I have posted as such on various threads.

I have been shocked that no-one seemed to be accountable, but over the last few days on the radio I heard a couple of things which now tell me who is to blame. Sinn Fein.

First interview was, I think, on the Last Word with Matt Cooper, who asked Gerry Adams what he thought of the situation with Priory Hall considering an ex Hunger striker helped build the apartments. Gerry basically said it was a disgrace but Matt ignored this response and once again attacked Mr Adams about the building work.

Today I hear none other than An Taoiseach attack Mr Adams in the Dail because he was unfortunate enough to be a friend of the said builder.

So it looks like if you know someone who has done any wrong, then you are somehow responsible for their actions.

Cannot believe the logic that Matt Cooper and Mr Kenny employ. Perhaps it just showed more bias that is all too common these days.
Sure look how poor Bertie's been blam'd fur de bubble burstin' n all dat.
Just cus ye no somewan doesn't mean dat yer responsible fur de stuff day do.
I agree to certain extent but it does goes to show the type of person that was associated with SF/IRA. Many of these so called republican heroes are nothing but criminal scumbags.
It happens

An IRA man became a slumlord building a terrible block of flats on Buckingham Street in Dublin
I find it ironic that the builder, having almost starved himself to death for the Irish cause as he saw it, now lives in a grand Victorian house...
I find it ironic that the builder, having almost starved himself to death for the Irish cause as he saw it, now lives in a grand Victorian house...

It's even more ironic that he's considerably overweight.
Quite pathetic that the leader of the country would use an issue like this to score petty points.

Nothing much petty about the situation the apartment owners find themselves in. Are you saying that politically-connected developers and their cronies should now be immune from criticism?
Nothing much petty about the situation the apartment owners find themselves in. Are you saying that politically-connected developers and their cronies should now be immune from criticism?

No he only objects to it if they're Shinners.
Quite pathetic that the leader of the country would use an issue like this to score petty points.

I completley agree with you

I do find it ironic and quite sad that the current leader of the country is more concerned with political point scoring to try an get his candidate elected as president rather than being busy and target the real culprits in the political and business world who destroyed the economy of Ireland

So much for their pre-election promises!
So the Priory Hall scandal, and the plight of the residents, should swept under the carpet until the country's economic problems are solved ? :rolleyes:
Nothing much petty about the situation the apartment owners find themselves in. Are you saying that politically-connected developers and their cronies should now be immune from criticism?
Where did I say that? As far as I can see I am saying the opposite. It's too serious an issue for Inda to try and get pathetic digs in at the big bad shinners, which don't help the families in the slightest.
It was a perfectly valid point. Anyone want to go back over the record to see what Sinn Fein had to see about FF and their relationship to developers.