Michael D Higgins and age factor.


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I see some people have questioned the suitability of Michael D because he is around 70 years. I also note that Alex Ferguson who will be 70 years soon plans to stay on for anothr 4 years. Is the Aras more demanding and stressful that Old Trafford ?
I don't think his age is a huge factor, but his endless prattling and droning are for me. I immediately reach for the "off" switch as soon as I hear him. Yesterday's "Green Tea" program on radio 1 called him Michael twee Higgins. Hit the nail on the head!
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I see some people have questioned the suitability of Michael D because he is around 70 years. I also note that Alex Ferguson who will be 70 years soon plans to stay on for anothr 4 years. Is the Aras more demanding and stressful that Old Trafford ?

A friend of mine worked in the Aras until fairly recently and said you just would not believe how hard Mary McAleese works. 4-5 functions a day sometimes, working on speeches in between etc.

I can't imagine Michael D being up to that.
What was MichaelD's work ethic like in the Dail? What was his work ethic like in UCG? For instance, what was his attendance rate at lectures and tutorials?
Ageism Week is only gone a short time. If he were 18, would we be saying he's too young? Michael D is entitled to be there and dont be surprised if he wins.
Ageism Week is only gone a short time. If he were 18, would we be saying he's too young? Michael D is entitled to be there and dont be surprised if he wins.

Most Definitely, while it is never nice to be jusged on something other than your merits, your physical ability to complete the job should be taken into account.
Ageism Week is only gone a short time. If he were 18, would we be saying he's too young? Michael D is entitled to be there and dont be surprised if he wins.
Since such a person, if elected, would be breaking the law then yes, most definitely; you must be at least 35 to be President.
Ronald Reagan did well and he was a lot older and a more stressful job

You've got a strange way of determine how well someone does.

America under Reagan mined the Nicaraguan harbour and became indicted as a terrorist state by the world court.


"During the 1980s the Reagan administration sponsored an anti-SandinistaContras (a proxy paramilitary based in Honduras and Costa Rica, largely consisting of northern highlanders known as the Milpas and led by former Somoza regime soldiers) against the socialist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The resulting war killed over 50,000 people, mostly civilians." guerilla movement known as the

Reagan was also discovered to be suffering from Alzheimer's in later life - and [broken link removed] suggests he was suffering the effects of it during his presidency. not someone I'd want with their finger on the Big Red Button.
Ronald Reagan did well and he was a lot older and a more stressful job

You've got a strange way of determine how well someone does.


"During the 1980s the Reagan administration sponsored an anti-SandinistaContras (a proxy paramilitary based in Honduras and Costa Rica, largely consisting of northern highlanders known as the Milpas and led by former Somoza regime soldiers) against the socialist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The resulting war killed over 50,000 people, mostly civilians."
In all fairness, i don't think we need worry about Michael D sending the Irish Air Corps to bomb Russia.

You can't give a black and white answer on the age question, it all depends on the individual concerned. Take the late Brian Lenihan for example, no one knows what might be around the corner.
Ronald Reagan did well and he was a lot older and a more stressful job


The Reagan administration is responsible for the fall of communism.

The reason why Reagan got a hard time was because early in his first term he said he would defeat communism within a decade - people thought he was nuts to even suggest this. How wrong they were.

The Reagan administration is responsible for the fall of communism.

The reason why Reagan got a hard time was because early in his first term he said he would defeat communism within a decade - people thought he was nuts to even suggest this. How wrong they were.
'Responsible for' or 'happened to be around at the same time as'?
'Responsible for' or 'happened to be around at the same time as'?

“Had a hand in” or “Influenced” or “was part of the reason for” would be more accurate.

My 9 year old son and 8 year old daughter were in the car with me the other day when Michael D was being interviewed on the radio. They asked who that woman was on the radio. I told them it was a man but they just didn’t believe me. He’s probably the best of a very bad lot (Pat Cox for FG and Fergus Finlay for Labour would have been much better options) but his voice is terrible.
My 9 year old son and 8 year old daughter were in the car with me the other day when Michael D was being interviewed on the radio. They asked who that woman was on the radio. I told them it was a man but they just didn’t believe me. He’s probably the best of a very bad lot (Pat Cox for FG and Fergus Finlay for Labour would have been much better options) but his voice is terrible.

So much for diversity and acceptance of difference ;)
On the up side, Presidential pensions for the current and previous Presidents are costing us a fortune and will continue to for years. We need to think about this when we decide that a young President is a good idea.
nothing to do with age, just have it as a precondition that any prospective president must satisfy a medical either pre or post election.