Laptop Screen Repairs


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I need to get the screen on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10v replaced. Can anyone recommend any reliable, reasonably priced companies who do laptop screen repairs?

Thought my lappy screen was kaput this week, 2 banner white bars across the screen. Perfect when connected to another monitor, so looked like it was, kaput.

Workmate told me to download a graphic driver and install this and that should fix it. and it did.:)

Buying a new lcd screen on ebay would cost about €80 and would be grand maybe if you could fit it yourself.

Main question is, how old is your laptop, if over 3yrs then personally I wouldn't bother and instead invest your money in a new one.

I need to get the screen on a Dell Inspiron Mini 10v replaced. Can anyone recommend any reliable, reasonably priced companies who do laptop screen repairs?


The Laptop Lab. They are quite good.
The Computor Repair Centre Tallaght
Opposite the Mill Pub Old Bawn Tallaght
have used them myself and was very pleased with the repair I got done