New House (not household) Charge for services directly from landlord

This charge doesn't cover water. That's coming later. This is just in advance of a property tax
This charge doesn't cover water. That's coming later. This is just in advance of a property tax

Hi Sunny

I'm sure I heard the minister for state on The Last Word saying it did yesterday evening. But the irish times agrees with's an interim charge until water charges are rolled out 2014 [broken link removed]

These extra taxes/levies are going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for a lot of people with jobs....
Hi Sunny

I'm sure I heard the minister for state on The Last Word saying it did yesterday evening. But the irish times agrees with's an interim charge until water charges are rolled out 2014 [broken link removed]

These extra taxes/levies are going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for a lot of people with jobs....

Yeah, I am not sure if this means there will be another levy for water until 2014 or it won't be introduced at all until 2014.
This charge doesn't cover water. That's coming later. This is just in advance of a property tax
Yes, thats my understanding as well.

It would be very difficult for the govenment to levy a water tax/charge on people who have made their own very expensive water supply arrangements. Private Wells, Private Schemes, Private Group Water Supply Schemes (Veolia in the Northern Counties for instance).

Believe it or not there still are some people in Ireland who draw their drinking water in a bucket to their kitchen! Or pump water from a shallow contaminated well/river/lake. Could a government in all concience levy them with a water charge? I dont think so but they could levy a non descriptive house hold levy.
What do you mean? Do you consider all taxes to be '(legal) theft'?

Hopefully all these extra taxes will wake people up to this fact. Our government and bureaucracy have been stealing our money and partying with it for a long time now. And they keep hitting us with the bills. When are people going to realise that the Irish ruling elite are not our friends? We need to stop giving these idiots more and more money to spend. We should have a consititutional limit on spending, just like the US, so it can force a debate here about what we are actually paying for. Otherwise it will just be more and more tax, for less and less - no different than the time of Lords and Kings.
I laugh when people say they will not pay. The fact is charges will accumulate, then when you come to sell the property the solicitor will write to the local authority looking for any outstanding amts due against the property. As a result no sale will complete unless all charges are paid.
I laugh when people say they will not pay. The fact is charges will accumulate, then when you come to sell the property the solicitor will write to the local authority looking for any outstanding amts due against the property. As a result no sale will complete unless all charges are paid.

What if you dont sell the property? My parents lived and died in a house they owned over 30 years - thats a lot of charges to accumulate!!
A person owning five small apts will now pay -in 2012 - 1.500 euros.
As this is not allowed against tax this may be the equivalent to a drop of 3.000 gross salary.

A person owning a second home worth the same as the five small studios and getting the same rent, will pay 300 euros - equal to a loss of 600 gross.

As someone who owns a few small crappy apts I have the vague feeling there's something unfair about this.

P.S. As regards people getting water from there own well, please await The Private Water Source Charge Act 2012.
A person owning five small apts will now pay -in 2012 - 1.500 euros.
As this is not allowed against tax this may be the equivalent to a drop of 3.000 gross salary.

A person owning a second home worth the same as the five small studios and getting the same rent, will pay 300 euros - equal to a loss of 600 gross.

As someone who owns a few small crappy apts I have the vague feeling there's something unfair about this.

P.S. As regards people getting water from there own well, please await The Private Water Source Charge Act 2012.

You have to remember that in the accepted national dialogue, as expressed by the Irish Times, RTE and the rest of the left-wing media, people who rent out property are not providing accommodation for others, they are exploiting them. They should be punished for doing so. The same applies to employers, particularly those who run medium to large Irish owned businesses. They are also exploiting people, not providing them with an income.
As a landlord you are fair game. In the eyes of the media it’s OK for the government to break the law and steal back a tax break that you purchased from them at a large premium when you bought a section 23 property. It’s only the actions of “greedy” landlords in bringing the state to court that stopped this happening. There was no cry of unfairness in the national media about that. So you see as long as people who provide accommodation for other, often poor, people and those who provide them with an income by employing them are viewed as greedy and unethical then they will continue to be fair game.

It is ironic that the people who are supposedly on the side of “the poor” seldom actually do anything for them, other than try to make sure that more money is taken from the greedy employers and landlords and given to “the poor”.
Yes, purple, I entirely agree this to be the case.

I confess my stupidity that at a late stage of life ,rather than have a proper pension plan, I put everything in property -the main incentive being a promise that if I converted the offices over a shop in my city-centre property into apartments then I'd get rent free.

Of course, that makes me look rich - an apt building in city-centre ! Never mind that it's halved in value to almost the level of the giant loan that I took to make that conversion.
Never mind falling rents, extra property charges, upkeep costs . The fact is - as you pointed out - I own property. Bad person!

I was equally sinful in being a self-employed shopkeeper. Never mind that the last few years I earned less than the national average wage as I struggled to keep the business afloat. When i closed it -after ensuring every last debt paid and staff got redundancy I ,of course, got no dole , not being a private employee or civil servant .

Sorry folks for this rant. I'm far better of than many people, but in my midsixties I thought I'd be able to have a reasonable standard of living and not worry about how to pay this loan, pay these charges and ,now, have the promsied tax-relief stopped.

Any more such charges and I, along with other landlords with loans, will really have to start worrying...

P.S I forgot to mention in the 300 charges above (NPPR200 property tax 1000 ) each apt also has an individual BER cert and PRTB requirment.
Can't wait for the water charge !