Ryanair flight prices


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I booked ryanair flights for two people 3 months ago flying out in 3 weeks time. Out of curiosity last night I looked up the price of the same flights,. Lo and behold, the flights are much cheaper, almost 190 euro cheaper, all taxes and charges identical to last May when I bought the tickets. I always thought flight prices went up closer to departure, and am a bit annoyed as 190 is quite a lot. So, generally for the future is it better to buy flights early or leave til a week or two prior to departure? What are peoples experiences with this?
Ryanair are strange. I've been looking at their flights to some sun destinations in the past week. I've been looking at the same dates so am familar with the prices.
One day I checked a flight to Faro and it had the taxes and charges as zero , whereas a couple of days previous they were included.
As there are four of us, it would have made a big difference to the price.
Six weeks prior to departure was always the perfect time to book a Ryanair flight. I could nearly predict the next price change and often did. As a result I enjoyed rock bottom price to lots of places. This year is different. Their prices are all over the place. They have cancelled a huge number of destinations out of Dublin from early September. I think that this has made people's minds up for them. Ryanair have abandoned their regulars by dropping these destinations. Their website has also lost it's edge. I used to look forward to Friday and Tuesday mornings when they would be announcing their new sale. I don't bother anymore because it is either €9.99 or €12.99 and now lately €14.99. No bargains anymore.
9.99 + taxes + fees + baggage fee + admin charge for processing credit/laser card

Dont forget the mandatory "Online Check-In" charge which is an additional charge, but there is no way around it and it should be included in Ryanair's base fee but somehow they manage to get around this....
9.99 + taxes + fees + baggage fee + admin charge for processing credit/laser card

Taxes aren't Ryanair fault. Do you not remember the days before cheap travel? I am not a fan of Ryanair and their fees but they still offer cheap travel
Does it really matter what the different add ons and charges are called?

It's the bottom line that counts.

A couple of weeks ago a friend paid €66 for a single train ticket from Cork to Dublin.... but there were no extra charges so it must have been good value.
I thought some directive had been introduced stating that the prices displayed on their website had to be the price paid by the consumer. Was that not the case?

I dont mind paying taxes and charges and fees but object to them being added on top of the advertised price. I would prefer if they just said flight cost €75 as opposed to €9.99
Steiner, I find from experience if Myself and my wife are happy with the price we payed originally whether it goes up or down we settle for it. Nobody has a crystal ball so if you were happy with the price in the first place just let it go.
Does it really matter what the different add ons and charges are called?

It's the bottom line that counts.

A couple of weeks ago a friend paid €66 for a single train ticket from Cork to Dublin.... but there were no extra charges so it must have been good value.

If they had been organised and booked it a couple of weeks in advance they could have got it for a tenner, or less using the 02 discount codes widely available.
If they had been organised and booked it a couple of weeks in advance they could have got it for a tenner, or less using the 02 discount codes widely available.

What are the 02 discount codes?????
What are the 02 discount codes?????

If you have o2 treats you get the code but a few kind souls put the code up on boards every tuesday and saturday, you could probably find them on twitter too

Basically with Irish Rail you need to book as much in advance as possible and on a Tuesday or Saturday (not travel on those days just book them the day the discount is published as the code must be used before midnight that day) to avail of the discount, they've moved their fares system so that it's more like Ryanair with a limited number of €10 fares on every train, but you need to be organised in advance to avail of them. I managed to get a return to Galway a couple of months ago for €18 - 15 one way 1 back - plus booking fee.

The code gives 15% off. Unfortunately they charge a credit card/laser card fee which takes the gloss off some of the prices.
Dont forget the mandatory "Online Check-In" charge which is an additional charge, but there is no way around it and it should be included in Ryanair's base fee but somehow they manage to get around this....

Ryanair have a way of squeezing some new fee's out of a captive audience. See this here :D