Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'Gutter Press'

Heard about this on the radio this morning.
The sick thing is that because the hacker deleted some of her messages, it gave the parents false hope that she might be still alive.
I was left speechless at this. Does the man who <allegedly> did it have no moral compass, was there never a point he or someone who knew what was going on said " hold on, this is wrong"

I can't say what I think this person/people deserve should it be proved they did it..but you can use your imagination...:mad:
Yeah, just gets better and better. You would think this would put that rag out of business but of course it probably wont.
Yeah, just gets better and better. You would think this would put that rag out of business but of course it probably wont.

Maybe this time though... Ford have already cancelled their advertising with them and several others are considering their options.

The private investigator issued a statement last night, his defense was he didn't realise what he was doing was what about the moral side?
Maybe Bertie will take a stand and not write a column for the paper anymore..........
Interesting piece. Hugh Grant. Who would have known!

Except he's starting to take a bit too much credit for this, the Guardian have been onto this for a long time.

Excellent piece in the [broken link removed] avoids the emotion of who was hacked and instead explores the effective media and political silence. Nice opening thought experiment:

Let’s imagine that BP threw an extravagant party, with oysters and expensive champagne. Let’s imagine that Britain’s most senior politicians were there — including the Prime Minister and his chief spin doctor. And now let’s imagine that BP was the subject of two separate police investigations, that key BP executives had already been arrested, that further such arrests were likely, and that the chief executive was heavily implicated.
Let’s take this mental experiment a stage further: BP’s chief executive had refused to appear before a Commons enquiry, while MPs who sought to call the company to account were claiming to have been threatened. Meanwhile, BP was paying what looked like hush money to silence people it had wronged, thereby preventing embarrassing information entering the public domain.
And now let’s stretch probability way beyond breaking point. Imagine that the government was about to make a hugely controversial ruling on BP’s control over the domestic petroleum market. And that BP had a record of non-payment of British tax. The stench would be overwhelming. There would be outrage in the Sun and the Daily Mail — and rightly so — about Downing Street collusion with criminality. The Sunday Times would have conducted a fearless investigation, and the Times penned a pained leader. In parliament David Cameron would have been torn to shreds.
Instead, until this week there has been almost nothing, save for a lonely campaign by the Guardian. Because the company portrayed above is not BP, but News International, owner of the Times, the Sunday Times, the News of the World and the Sun, approximately one third of the domestic newspaper market. And last week, Jeremy Hunt ruled that Murdoch, who owns a 39 per cent stake in BSkyB, can now buy it outright (save for Sky’s news channel). This consolidates the Australian-born mogul as by far the most significant media magnate in this country, wielding vast political and commercial power.

That's frightening.
And it was inevitable something similar went on too. Nothing concrete yet though.
NOTW is not the only problem. News International needs to be broken up. The deal for BSkyB should be scrapped, and an independent investigation should launched into police corruption.
Don't be fooled by the end of the NOTW.

Its the UKs biggest selling Sunday - no way Murdoch will simply let that fade. There are already strong rumours it will just come back as "The Sun on Sunday". And everything will continue as normal.

Cant blame him if people are stupid enough to buy that tripe. The paper sold over 100,000 copies here. Unreal.
Don't be fooled by the end of the NOTW.

Its the UKs biggest selling Sunday - no way Murdoch will simply let that fade. There are already strong rumours it will just come back as "The Sun on Sunday". And everything will continue as normal.

It's a "sacrifice" to try to keep the BSB deal going. NOTW is worth €100s millions per year, however the current storm can bring the the BSB deal which is worth billions per year. Simple math for him really.

And it means the liquidator is free to destroy all documentation which is a massive legal bonus to NI.
On the bright side, all this makes the Sunday Independent and journalists like Brendan O'Connor look almost half decent....