Good work by the Gardai

I have to say I'm unimpressed that a Garda felt compelled to stop someone who was doing a u-turn, they then spoke to the driver who would have smelled of alcohol and they didn't do a breath test.
He probably couldn't do a breath test. The Garda can't just stop people for no reason and compel them to do breath tests.
I thought there was a recent change in the law that allowed random breath testing?
Gardaí can only breathalyse drivers, without the need to have formed the opinion that the driver had consumed alcohol, at so-called random checkpoints. Random checkpoints cannot, as one might imagine, be set up randomly but rather must be authorised, in writing, by a Garda Inspector.
Right you are. Still I'd be disinclined to co-operate with a Garda who stopped me for no reason while I was going about my business.

I wouldn't. I'd do as I was asked. They would just be doing their job.