Good work by the Gardai

Brendan Burgess

I was cycling up Serpentine Avenue in Ballsbridge today when a van pulled out of the car park where Patrick's Cafe is. Like most motorists, he saw no need whatsover to wait for a bicycle to pass.

I stopped my bike and spoke to him and got the usual response "I saw you".

A car coming in the opposite direction stopped, (he had to), and asked me what the problem was. As luck would have it, it was a garda in a civilian car. He got out and took my name and address and the other driver's name and address and cautioned him. Very professional, very clear, very systematic. He asked me if I wanted to take it further but I was happy enough that he had spoken to the driver and taken his name, and didn't want to go any further. The Garda told us to shake hands and be on our way.

Good community policing in action.
I was out for a pint last Monday night after watching The Frontline and took a wrong turn on the way home (I was driving and I'd had one pint). I did a u-turn and seconds later was flashing blue lights appeared behind me. The garda who spoke to me was professional and courteous. I was quite impresses (and glad that they didn't ask me if I'd been drinking!)
Well done these Gardai. Having said that, I've only once seen someone pulled over on the "free for all" M50. Driving there on Monday there was speeding, dangerous lane changing, mobile phone use, crossing the meridian etc. All seen in a 15 min drive!

On Fri night on the fairview park road a guy booted past me way over the speed limit. I next saw him one minute later crashed into a car that had been trying to cross the road. Luckily no major damage, and no one injured. But I evilly chuckled to myself; speedy Gonzales was getting his comeuppence.

A Polish friend of mine told me that the fines issued by police in Poland pretty much pay for the police service. Maybe we should work on the same principle?
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I have to say I'm unimpressed that a Garda felt compelled to stop someone who was doing a u-turn, they then spoke to the driver who would have smelled of alcohol and they didn't do a breath test.
I have to say I'm unimpressed that a Garda felt compelled to stop someone who was doing a u-turn, they then spoke to the driver who would have smelled of alcohol and they didn't do a breath test.

The guard might not have smelled anything why get so picky about things?
The guard might not have smelled anything why get so picky about things?

I'm not being picky. I'm not asking for a savage beating to be handed out for doing a u-turn, deserved or not!;)
I think at least 15 years in a cell with Bubba would be appropriate !!!
I was cycling up Serpentine Avenue in Ballsbridge today when a van pulled out of the car park where Patrick's Cafe is. Like most motorists, he saw no need whatsover to wait for a bicycle to pass.

I stopped my bike and spoke to him and got the usual response "I saw you".

A car coming in the opposite direction stopped, (he had to), and asked me what the problem was. As luck would have it, it was a garda in a civilian car. He got out and took my name and address and the other driver's name and address and cautioned him. Very professional, very clear, very systematic. He asked me if I wanted to take it further but I was happy enough that he had spoken to the driver and taken his name, and didn't want to go any further. The Garda told us to shake hands and be on our way.

Good community policing in action.
I hear that in the UK will accept a complaint from a cyclist (and presumably other road users) and will pass it on to the driver in question. I wonder if we could get a similar service here?
I hear that in the UK will accept a complaint from a cyclist (and presumably other road users) and will pass it on to the driver in question. I wonder if we could get a similar service here?

I emailed a couple of companies in the cold spell whose van drivers were driving like total lunatics (given the conditions) on the motorway. I always got a reply from the companies in question, including one from the MD in oce case. No idea if any action was taken against the drivers in question but at least it highlighted an issue to them. Maybe if more people did similer it might have an impact. I've a low tolerance for bad van/lorry drivers ever since one ploughed into me a few years back. Have to say Gardai on that occassion were superb.
I emailed a couple of companies in the cold spell whose van drivers were driving like total lunatics (given the conditions) on the motorway.
I've done the same a few times when van drivers endangered me while cycling. I've had mixed results, from no response, to a fobbed off response, to several calls with a Mr McCambridge from McCambridges Bread who was delighted to have the opportunity to raise a safety issue with ALL his drivers, not just the one that cut me up.
Certainly there are a number of firms very interested in how their drivers are performing. Insurance is a big cost for such firms and they are not interested in carrying some employeee who will end up costing them increased insurance costs