Are we living in "The Age of voyeurism and self-obession?"


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"Embarassing Bodies" on Channel 4 is a runaway success. People's bit's that never normally see the light of day are watched by millions as they are examined in a kind of voyeuristic "grossfest".

Nothing to be embarassed about we're told. Is this an attack on taboo's or a commerical exploitation of people's fears and a cover for voyeurism like a medical version of Big Brother? Channel 4 are now running a series on embarassing teenage bodies. Am I alone in finding this disturbing?

An advert is now running on Irish radio for some plastic surgery centre. The woman's voice tells us it's difficult to feel all woman if your flat-chested, happiness and smiles are the rewards from breast-augmentation we're told. Since when is a woman's happiness reliant on her breast-size?

The most popular item on today's online Irish Times is headed " Are Irish men really the joint ugliest in the world?" Okay it's delivered as tongue in cheek, but what's wrong with a world so obsessed with looks and obsessed with voyeurism. Is modern life so empty of real meaning?
Good looking = successful and happy

'Ugly' = doomed to a life of misery.

That's what they'd have us believe.
Some of the most hateful, obnoxious and down right irritating people I have met in life have been those who would be described as 'good looking'. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Good looking = successful and happy

'Ugly' = doomed to a life of misery.

That's what they'd have us believe.
Some of the most hateful, obnoxious and down right irritating people I have met in life have been those who would be described as 'good looking'. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I take it you have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp ;)

(sorry i couldn't resist)
Beauty is skin deep, Ugle goes to the bone :D

Lol :D Other one's I'd heard was you were so ugly when you were born, the Doctor slapt the mother. Or you were so ugly the Doctor got post-natal depression. Or you have a face like a well-slapped ass or a greyhound chewin a bee.
Had the unfortunate experience whilst flicking through the channels last night of happening upon 'embarrassing fat bodies' - just as I landed on the channel a rather large woman was on the table legs akimbo showing off her bits or more accurately the bits that were falling through her other bits - :eek: Good god - do these people get a serious amount of money to do this? why on earth would you show that on TV? Don't know what else was on the programme but those five seconds will stay with me forever! :(
What irks me more is the attempt to pass them off as "serious" shows rather than what they are: modern day freakshows.

Big Brother called itself a "social experiment", Embarassing bodies is pitched as a medical show, etc. Let's face it, the shows on obesity are more about let's stare at the extremely fat person than any serious social commentary.

But the problem is people watch them and these shows are much cheaper to make than a good drama.

BBC 4 is the only saviour now for decent documentaries (even Horizon has gone down hill) and drama.