Scrappage scheme-subsequent transfer of ownership.


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I looked at the FAQ on the scrappage scheme web site but my query did not seem to be covered.
Our son has a car which qualifies for the scrappage scheme. Could he avail of the scheme and get a new car (which we would be paying for!) and then transfer ownership of the new car to us. We would then transfer ownership of our current car to him.
Is this ok to do? We asked about this at the car dealership, and thought it would be ok but they did not know for definite. They said they would try to find out and I thought someone here might have sussed this out already.

I don't see why not. The aim of the process is to remove old cars from the road. If your son buys the car with your money then the car is in the first instance fully owned by him legally but with an outstandind debt to you. Can't see what would stop him legitiamately selling the car to you for the value of the outstanding loan to him plus your car in the deal to clear his debt to you. It's a financial transaction, happens all the time; only issue I'd see might be a tax one and that surely is covered because no one is really gaining i.e. he bought using your money and is repaying a debt.
I don;t see any restriction on the time the new owner has to retain the car in order to avail of the scheme.
There is no restriction on selling any car bought under the scheme.
An inlaws child had old car which was used under scrappage about month ago and then the child gifted the car to the parent, leaving the parent as the registered first owner.
Yes I did exactly that last year. Used offsprings old banger to get new car (which of course Mammy paid for) registered in offsprings name. Once all the paperwork came through we just did a change of ownership no bother!
Yes I did exactly that last year. Used offsprings old banger to get new car (which of course Mammy paid for) registered in offsprings name. Once all the paperwork came through we just did a change of ownership no bother!

I wonder if this affects the re-sale value of the car. You would be the second owner of the car despite it being a new car.
An inlaws child had old car which was used under scrappage about month ago and then the child gifted the car to the parent, leaving the parent as the registered first owner.

How did this work, surely the car would have to first registered in the child's name before gifting it to anyone?
I dont think it could have any great effect on resale as we both live at same address and have same surname so if we did want to sell it would be very obvious that it was a family deal done shortly after purchase. Warranty etc. remains unaffected and passed on to new purchaser.
It wouldn't be obvious - the Vehicle Registration Cert just shows the number of previous owners, it doesn't provide any details of who they are.
It will be obvious as I have kept all the purchase, warranty and copy of original VRC that clearly show offspring was original purchaser, that I paid for the car and then the ownership was transferred within weeks. Totally transparent to any possible purchaser!
Ah, I get you now! I just meant it wouldn't be obvious from the VRC itself, but of course you'd have other supporting documents!
How did this work, surely the car would have to first registered in the child's name before gifting it to anyone?

nope one owner in the parent's name, told personally by the family, skoda garage.

(was told its the same idea as a person wins a new car but wants the cash instead, winner tries to sell the unregistered car as brand new if garage in question allows it).