Ever thought of a "nip and tuck" ?


Registered User
Channel 4 were showing "bums, boobs and botox" last night. I couldn't watch all of it. Some operations leave me very squeamish. Particularly "nosejobs" where the Doctor uses a hammer! I find some people's obsession with make-overs bizzare.

Would you consider a bit of nip and tuck? If you were having a wee job yerself, what would it be?
I couldnt do it. Ive had 2 orthopediac surgeries, after those I doubt Id ever choose to have surgery.

If I could turn the clock back I might have gone for botox from teenage years to prevent the lines from forming? Maybe not though, I like being able to make expressions!

I could do with a general bit of tone up, drop a few lbs, nothing that a bit of dedication in the gym wouldnt take care of. Certainly nothing that surgery would permanently change.

If I were given free rein to get absolutely anything done regardless of cost Id probably get my teeth done - Hollywood style, perfect set of gnashers!!
All the time. If I win the lotto I wouldn't hesitate.

I'd have a tummy tuck, boob lift, chin lift and new teeth. I don;t think there is anything wrong with it if you have the money, are a sane adult and don't get carried away and end up looking like jocelyn wildenstein.

Obviously there should be strict rules and the mother who gave her 8 year old botox should be jailed.
No, but I considered the snip :D

Yeah, thats on the agenda longer term :eek:

As for myself, spent a bit on teeth last year, mostly maintenance, filled in a few chips here and there for cosmetic reasons. Wouldnt bother the whiter than white smile stuff.

Would consider
a) laser eye at some stage - only started wearing glasses at about 20, not convinced they are enhancing.
b) skin lasering - bit pockmarked here and there from teenage acne hell. Dont think skin lasering is that radical, not at all in the realm of surgery. Anyone get it done?, any decent results? I suppose for the lay-dees its all covered over by the slap.

Only thing I think I'd ever consider surgery wise (bar the snip) is removing bags under the eyes when much much older. They look awful and it looks like an easy enough fix. Ye dinnae want tae look like Taggart (McManus) or Alex Ferguson - maybe its a Glasgow thing.........
Yeah, thats on the agenda longer term :eek:

Would consider
a) laser eye at some stage - only started wearing glasses at about 20, not convinced they are enhancing.

I would definitely not consider Laser Eye - have seen first hand (friend) who has very liitle sight left after a botched laser eye treatment.

If you're not happy with glasses try the constant wear contact lenses - I wear mine for a month at a time and never take them out - you can sleep in them as well - no side affects (for me anyway)
Would consider
a) laser eye at some stage - only started wearing glasses at about 20, not convinced they are enhancing.

I had this done approx 8 years ago in The Wellington Clinic and would highly recommend them. Not a single issue in that time. Lot of cheaper options out there but they're your eyes!
I had a friend who'd had lipo on the belly. Ugh. The thought of someone hoovering out the fat is disgusting. Anyway in my case they'd have to shove a bit in. There was a baldy lad on the program who spent 6 hours in the chair as they inserted hair grafts.He said he couldn't imagine what he's do without hair! A sad puppy or what? Wear a hat, or turn kojak which can be very attractive.
No, i wouldn't go for it, I am perfectly happy as I am warts and all:)
Although I'm male and we normally aren't meant to be that vain;), there is no way I'd consider it.

For me, in terms of women getting it done, its just false economy. No matter how much you get done, you are going to age. Its pointless, you can't stop it. And of course the more you get done, the more you will want more, until you start looking like a freak.

People just need to face up to ageing and stop pumping billions into the industry. There's better things to spend money on.
I had a friend who'd had lipo on the belly. Ugh. The thought of someone hoovering out the fat is disgusting. Anyway in my case they'd have to shove a bit in. There was a baldy lad on the program who spent 6 hours in the chair as they inserted hair grafts.He said he couldn't imagine what he's do without hair! A sad puppy or what? Wear a hat, or turn kojak which can be very attractive.

A guy I work with just had a hair transplant. It cost €3750. He is 23 and had really bad premature baldness. He is a lovely young guy and despite being a little concerned that it might be a money scam, I am converted. He looks amazing. Finally looks his age. It has improved his confidence 100 fold and it is more than worth it. It helps that he was really open about it and up front ( I guess he didn't have much choice - one day he didn't have hair, the next he had a full head) .

As for me; I am lucky in that I look a lot younger than my age but as I eat for Ireland, I run, go to the gym and swim. I would like to do the hollywood teeth thing; my own are fine but I'd love the big teeth thing. I just worry as you age it can look a bit funny as the teeth end up too big for your face. Not a fan of big boobs although I'm a bit t and a but I prefer the athletic look.