How do you keep your car boot tidy?


Registered User
My car boot is always a mess no matter how often I clean it up. I pack all the canvas shoping bags into one large one, the cleaners and wipes etc into a small box but one turn around the block and they are all over the boot again, I have tried the cargo nets, various organisers but everytime I go to the boot its a mess. What do other people use?
I use two big plastic containers (the one' s for under the bed) and it keeps it fairly neat and tidy.
I dont keep anything in it except the few bits you need to change a wheel and some bungee cords to keep the boot down if something large is in it. I keep that stuff in a bag with handles and I knot the handles to stop the stuff falling out of it.

I wouldnt keep bags and cleaners and wipes in the car boot - why do you keep them there?
Plastic toolbox. You'll get one for just a few quid in any DIY shop; the B&Q cheapies with the auto-locking lid are excellent. Add a bungee cord to keep it in place.