No mention about Eurovision???

Ah Come On.

I admit it. I watched. Not particularly for Jedward but just to see how strange some of the entries were. The Coneheads ( no idea what country they were representing) and the Moldovian was just...odd still can't work out why that woman was on a separate stage, singing a different song while swinging a large ball around:D

I have to say I was a bit pleased Jedward went through. I know they are rubbish and the song is awful but they work their socks off and seem like nice lads who are enjoying their 15 minutes while they can.
Ah Come On.

I admit it. I watched. Not particularly for Jedward but just to see how strange some of the entries were. The Coneheads ( no idea what country they were representing) and the Moldovian was just...odd still can't work out why that woman was on a separate stage, singing a different song while swinging a large ball around:D

I have to say I was a bit pleased Jedward went through. I know they are rubbish and the song is awful but they work their socks off and seem like nice lads who are enjoying their 15 minutes while they can.

Coneheads were from Moldova and the ball swinger was Cyprus...yes I watched it and I watched the half hour show before it and have to admit that i'm starting to like them.
New Years Eve 2010 and I'm in a foul mood cos I'm obliged to join my wife and children in going the Olympia pantomine for 2 hours of Linda Martin and Jedward.

And, despite myself, they won me over. No-one believes that they have any talent, but they bring boundless enthusiasm and fun to what they do. They are living their dream and I, for one, wish them well. The sight and sound of them makes me smile.

While they have their 15 McLuhan minutes , let them enjoy it.
New Years Eve 2010 and I'm in a foul mood cos I'm obliged to join my wife and children in going the Olympia pantomine for 2 hours of Linda Martin and Jedward.

And, despite myself, they won me over. No-one believes that they have any talent, but they bring boundless enthusiasm and fun to what they do. They are living their dream and I, for one, wish them well. The sight and sound of them makes me smile.

While they have their 15 McLuhan minutes , let them enjoy it.

I could live with jedward but Linda Martin would put me over the edge.
Coneheads were from Moldova and the ball swinger was Cyprus...yes I watched it and I watched the half hour show before it and have to admit that i'm starting to like them.

I see. You were obviously paying far more attention than me;)

TarfHead said:
The sight and sound of them makes me smile.

I have to agree. I thought the comment one of them made about their hair being a tourist attraction was very amusing.
I wasnt even aware the Eurovision was on (forgive me, I was doing exams this week and wrapped in a study bubble)!

Anyway, what do I think of Jedward? I think Fair Play to them. Ive kinda got the same feelings as I have towards Crystal Swing, everyone laughs at them, begrudges them, slags them etc...

I say well done (to both Jedward and Crystal Swing), the whole country is moaning, massive unemployment, massive personal debt, massive financial struggles, massive doom and gloom about 'The Recession' - and here you have young people (and the Mammy in Crystal Swing!), who are willing to get up off their backsides and make something good happen for themselves.

People may be laughing at them but I sincerely hope that Jedward are laughing louder when they get their bank statements every month.
I don't think anyone begrudges these people success but is anyone here going to admit that they would spend money to go to a jedward or crystal swing concert or buy their album? Plenty of people will but I would love to meet the grown up person who actually thinks they are talented!
I have become a big fan. Brave young men, fair play to them!

They make my hair stand on end. :)but I hope they win. Saavy lads BTW, lots of cash in the bank, early to bed and no drinkin, druggin or aught else AFAIK.
They make my hair stand on end. :)but I hope they win. Saavy lads BTW, lots of cash in the bank, early to bed and no drinkin, druggin or aught else AFAIK.

Yeah and not tempted by any wimmin yet either. Professionals!
I watched only Jedwards performance, mainly to get a look at the backing singers.
I didn't follow x factor but remember the hype at the time. When I saw them first I was "God help us, they're not right in the head and must have been dropped as children".

Now I think Louie is smarter then I thought and these two are in fact talented entertainers.

They can't sing or dance and yet they never fail to entertain. They always make me smile and their energy and enthusiasm is to be admired.

I think they have another 5 years which is a good bit more than 15 minutes. I wouldn't be surprised if they are around in 10 years as no one thought they would have lasted this long.
Yeah, I'm with Jedward. There is a feel-good aura about them. They've given the country a lift, so let's support them.
Well that was a bit disappointing. I didn't think they would win but thought they might score higher

Loved Marty Whelan's sarcastic commentary over the voting and we had a fun game of guess who will vote for who. My husband and son took the whole political voting a bit too seriously mind you;)