Buying Union Jack

wot do ye call her then? Her munificence? ( damn cant even spell it). Frau winsdor?

Why? She was born in England.

George V did change their name to Windsor in 1917, but all Kings & Queens since George II have been born in England.

George II was born in Hanover in 1683. So if the Queen is German because of this, then maybe we should all trace our family tree back over 300 years to see what nationality we really are!
Firefly, you commented about the old flags in the attics, as far as I am aware this is where the word 'Jackeen' came from as a call for someone from Dublin
Firefly, you commented about the old flags in the attics, as far as I am aware this is where the word 'Jackeen' came from as a call for someone from Dublin

I always thought it was from shoneen or Little John Bull.