May day demo..


Registered User
Just listening to "Whine line"..and they are talking about how low the turnout was for the May day demonstration..
Apparently there were only between 500 and 750 people there..
Wonder why...
Just heard it myself.
The show seems to be about unions in general. One SIPTU rep reckons if there is another pay cut he'll be out of a job in five years as everyone will leave the union.
did anyone actually know it was on? I wouldn't have gone anyway, but I also never heard anything about it beforehand.
Just heard it myself.
The show seems to be about unions in general. One SIPTU rep reckons if there is another pay cut he'll be out of a job in five years as everyone will leave the union.
Wow the lucky man has a job for 5 years!!!
People know that the game is up and all the protesting on the street will make no difference. The people voted Fine Gael and Labour in the election in the belief that they would actually change things and now they can live with it.

May Day in Dublin was never a big deal anyway just the usual rag tag of leftie nut jobs like Communist Party of Ireland Marxist Leninist group, League for a Workers Republic The Anarchists, Socialist Workers etc