What makes you squeamish?


Registered User
Brendan's heron eats rat video, and Sarah Beeny's Channel 4 program, Help!, my house is infested, got me thinking about what makes me squeamish, and what doesn't.

As a gardener, I have no problem with what crawls around the garden; I kill greenfly with my fingers, pick up and move my worms (very valuable to gardeners!), spread manure, etc, no problem. But the thoughts of lice,flies, bedbugs, fleas freak me out. If a fly is in the room, I have to kill it. What makes you squeamish?
Don't like bugs. We rented a place in Madeira a few years back and we had lots of different insects scuttling about the apartment. I only slept out of sheer exhaustion. Another trip to a hotel in Mayo overlooking a lake. I counted 26 spiders hanging from the roof and around the windows. During the night I went to the loo and on returning to bed I noticed something black on the floor. It has to have been the biggest spider I have ever seen. Again no sleep.
I also can't stand the sound of chalk on a blackboard.
Weird, I was thinking of starting a thread like this last night after watching The Way Back.

Mine would be sores on feet, and there is a lot of that in the above film. I had to leave the room at one point when one character was having his cut and bloodied feet washed and dressed.

Also, despite the fact I have done it myself, I absolutely cannot stomach seeing a woman give birth. Which is probably why I only have one child!
Ever since I had to have an op on a well snapped arm, I hate watching video football of footballers etc breaking legs.
The male STD testing procedure, as shown on C4's sex education show this week.
Haven't seen that (thankfully) but parasites (the big, visible to the naked eye worm/maggot types) are one of mine.
Ouija boards moving the die on their own would send me running.
Things giving birth are no biggie, I grew up on a farm so was intimately involved in the birthing process of cows and ewes. Afterbirth is afterbirth :)
I once stood on a 'Roach in Thailand (obviously must've been pregnant) and the next morning, there were loads of the little buggers running around. Nasty. I once saw one in New York that could've taken down a rat. Fecker was huge! Ugh!!!
I don't like snakes. I once worked in a timber mill in Africa and the little buggers were everywhere amongst the cut wood. On the same trip I also managed to run over a cobra with my pick-up truck which somehow got flipped over the cab and into the bed of the truck. Had to park it for a day before I worked up the courage to go look over the tailgate to see if it was dead which, thankfully, it was.
I hate slugs. I was lying in bed years and years ago in a very old, not well kept house and there were about 20 of the things on the floor. I can cope with them outside but the thought of them being in my house would be enough for me to consider selling up.

Never had any inside...so my husband tells me anyway!

Cuts, and news stories involving the words 'machete' or 'nearly severed'. I once interviewed a girl who, when reaching for a glass of water, inadvertently revealed rows of tiny white scars on her inner arm. I found that very shocking, and I can't watch any films with scenes of self-harm.

Heights - we went on the Dublin Revolver/Wheel this week and I got an awful attack of the jelly-legs.
Piercings gross me out. I 'think' I can smell the metal reacting with the skin.

Babies drooling and touching their drooly face and touching me - uuurrrrrgggghhh - totally freaks me out. People who try to enforce 'kiss Truthseeker goodbye!!' with their small children - I recoil from the drooly runny noses and just want the ground to open up and swallow me - or them!!!!

Large moths - I once trapped one the size of a bat under a pudding mould and left a note on it saying 'dont lift up - giant moth under here' - I was sort of hoping someone would put it outside but they didnt so I had to deal with it later.

Surgery. Ive had to have 2 surgeries and Id be completely against it now unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.
Cats, can't bear them near me, I think it is their menacing eyes and the sight of their outstretched claws that terrifies me.

Cuts, and news stories involving the words 'machete'

I had a dream the other night about young kids going around on BMX bikes with machettes. It was night and they were coming to get us.............
Seeing anyone put sun cream/tan lotion on. Putting gels in their hair and seeing racing drivers spray champagne over everyone at the end of a race. Ugh!
I cannot stand the sight of mice, even on the television.

I am also very squeamish about blood tests and injections.
Joan Burtons voice (I know it's harsh but it grates on my nerves)
Pickled food or brown sauce turns my stomach and even the smell of it makes me gag