Gardaí drop proposals for part-time work‎


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Can other public sector workers do part time work?

Teachers, local authority workers etc.

Could they get around any ban by doing unpaid work?

If they wanted to gain private sector experience.
Can other public sector workers do part time work?

Teachers, local authority workers etc.

Could they get around any ban by doing unpaid work?

If they wanted to gain private sector experience.

Teachers have been doing grinds and getting very well paid for this extra curricular activity for decades.

Why would any one attempt to get round on such a ban by working for nowt?

Not really sure about what you mean by private sector experience?
Teachers have triving grinds business.

On the other hand - I knew a local authority worker who took up a part time job to pay college fees. The local authority found out about it & sent hime a nasty letter.

Many people working in the public sector may want to broaden their work experience.

Your title as it stands (Gardaí drop proposals 4 part-time work‎) and post does not make much sense.

Is there some kind of a proposal that some Gardaí be employed on a part time basis?

Perhaps you meant the practice in some (not all) public service organisations which does not allow other employments (part time or otherwise)?

I know that in certain sections of the public sector employees are free to work out side but not in direct competition / or if there is a potential conflict of interest.

Unpaid / voluntary work would not be allowed if there were direct competition or a potential conflict of interest. This rule would apply in most private sector employments as well.

For me, I'd need to get permission from my public sector employer for any outside work. Generally, once there is no conflict of interest and no issue around exceeding maximum work hours, permission is granted.
If an Irishman goes to the States and have three jobs he's a great man. If he does it at home instead of sitting on his backside in the pub whining about having no money he is greedy.
Of course if you do extra work you must be tax compliant but this idea of the 40 hours and do no more work is a joke.
I know a lot of people got hit as a result of investments in property but an awful lot of people did well. Fair play to them for taking the initiative and try to raise their living standards and build up a pension fund