Urgent problem - son becoming a Chelsea fan !!!!

Betsy Og

Registered User
While I'm not a big fan of that FOREIGN SPORT ...(spit) I know I dont like Chelsea. Maybe its the Denis Wise to John Terry effect - "lionhearts" that they were "in the trenches"...... & Now its all cash and flash boys. High ticket prices.

He's being led astray by his cousin (a year older), what can I do?, is there a counselling hotline I can ring???

In terms of clubs I could tolerate easier:

West Ham
Liverpool - though hated them as a child, had the smuggest fans on earth, probably passed the mantle to Man U. Easy to get to when he'd do his inevitable stint in the big schmoke.
QPR (on the way up)
Any of the other London clubs.
Even Man U

I realise the top 2 would leave him languishing with ne'er do well clubs and no trophies, but it could be character building (or I'd have big therapy bills for him).

So, has anyone had to tackle this phonomenon, should I whisk him off to Upton Park or Anfield, is it alrady too late?, which club would you recommend? (He's 4 going on 5, cousin is 6).
I think you still have time. If not, there are plenty of childless couples out there who would probably raise your son despite everything.
While I'm not a big fan of that FOREIGN SPORT ...(spit)

And then....

In terms of clubs I could tolerate easier:

West Ham
Liverpool - though hated them as a child, had the smuggest fans on earth, probably passed the mantle to Man U. Easy to get to when he'd do his inevitable stint in the big schmoke.
QPR (on the way up)
Any of the other London clubs.
Even Man U

I realise the top 2 would leave him languishing with ne'er do well clubs and no trophies, but it could be character building (or I'd have big therapy bills for him).

Seems like you know more that you're willing to admit ;)
I'm a "watch a game if its on" type, would rarely make it my business to see a game unless its Ireland in a significant match. Might look at The Premiership (still called that?) or Match of the Day but as I dont have a team I'm obsessed about it wouldnt be crucial to me. Never bothered getting Sky.

Sure you know yourself, if you didnt take some interest you'd have nothing having to say in about 50% of all-male conversations. I might ask how's such a fella going, to be told he transferred to Spain 2 years ago.
What an appalling quandary !

Still , Chelsea with no silverware in sight may not be the most attractive team for impressionable children to pick as their team currently.

They will like Man. City be there or thereabouts in coming seasons but it's all so predictable isn't it ?

Give me the uncertainties of following Spurs anytime - it may be nerve shredding and wearing at times - but predictable never !

Have been to West Ham & QPR games in the past - grounds where fans are hugely involved & passionate about their team & football in general - a far cry from the rather antiseptic feel to bigger teams & stadia.

Bring him to West Ham & he'll also pick up all the colourful language he'll need to impress family & school friends :)
While I'm not a big fan of that FOREIGN SPORT ...(spit) I know I dont like Chelsea. Maybe its the Denis Wise to John Terry effect - "lionhearts" that they were "in the trenches"...... & Now its all cash and flash boys. High ticket prices.

He's being led astray by his cousin (a year older), what can I do?, is there a counselling hotline I can ring???

In terms of clubs I could tolerate easier:

West Ham
Liverpool - though hated them as a child, had the smuggest fans on earth, probably passed the mantle to Man U. Easy to get to when he'd do his inevitable stint in the big schmoke.
QPR (on the way up)
Any of the other London clubs.
Even Man U

I realise the top 2 would leave him languishing with ne'er do well clubs and no trophies, but it could be character building (or I'd have big therapy bills for him).

So, has anyone had to tackle this phonomenon, should I whisk him off to Upton Park or Anfield, is it alrady too late?, which club would you recommend? (He's 4 going on 5, cousin is 6).

There's only one surefire cure for this. Bring him to see Utd at Old Trafford, and let the magic begin.
You've failed as a parent

Only messing, bring him to another game, though season almost over
interesting that no Chelsea fans commending his choice, even they dont think its a good idea.
Very few Chelsea fans around. They only started winning stuff in the past couple of years so most fans are too young to use AAM!
I second Indiansign's choice of action. Do it now before it's too late. You can't go back!

Or, you could go continental, Barcelona and Real Madrid play each other 4 times over the next few weeks.

Steer clear of all the newly moneyed clubs, i.e. Chelsea and Manchester City
he's already a Barcelona fan (got him the jersey when there a few years back) - dunno if he's actually seen them play (or Chelsea for that matter). BUT wouldnt you also have a premier league team. Ditto even if, say, followed Celtic or, God help us LoI. Not too keen on putting him onto Celtic either, been to a few games myself and there's still a fair bit of the knuckledragging stuff. Went to a few games in Turners Cross when in college but far from home now.

As a GAA man the only 'imperative' is that he would follow his own county (not my native county unfortunately - so hoping to get the 2nd slot there).

He also has a Munster rugby jersey - which is ok though I'd feel like a real bandwagon jumper if I was to wear one (never having played it, only ever been at 1 club game, seen Munster live maybe 5 or 6 times) - now I know that doesnt stop 30 of the other 40 thousand but thats another story:D
My brother is a Chelsea fan. We don't really like to talk about it but my parents have come around to the idea and love him anyway.
Maybe you should consider Leeds! In addition to following a team who may be in the Premier League next season, he could also learn some valuable lessons on how not to run a business, the process of going into administration and the agony of the play offs.

You could also tell him if he does decide to support Chelsea, Norman "bite your legs" Hunter might come and pay him a visit!
Tell him Chelsea is a flower show, they dont have a footie team( nearly true), that'll cure him.
Jaysus, it's worse than we thought.

In his defence his Mam bought the jersey, he is in Munster (not like bloody Athenry) and the 'culture' of the province is, I suppose, somewhat GAA friendly, as compared to maybe the early days of Leinster (though recently heard that Leinster is no longer so much a D4 bastion - I've my doubts)
Very few Chelsea fans around. They only started winning stuff in the past couple of years so most fans are too young to use AAM!

by couple of years, do you mean 2? I count 12+ years of recent success:

Premier League = Winners: 2004-05, 2005-06, 2009-10
FA Cup = Winners: 1996-97, 1999-00, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2009-10
Football League Cup = Winners: 1997-98, 2004-05, 2006-07
FA Charity Shield = Winners: 1955, 2000, 2005, 2009
UEFA Cup Winners' Cup = Winners: 1970-71, 1997-98
UEFA Super Cup = Winners: 1998